No, you don't have to. It depends when you get Shaymin from the toys r us giveaway.You get the gracidea flower in floroama town.You have to look real carefully to see if the lady was there before
you do not necesarely have to beat the elite 4 to get arceus mostly because you can only get it via hack.
You get it after you beat the elite 4.
to get into n castle you have to beat the elite 4
No you can trade anytime before beating the elite four.
Celestic town
1. you need to get a mystery gift that means a woman in floroma town gives you the gracidea flower 2. get a shaymin (compleate elite 4 first) by taking the previously blocked route on victory road 3. use the gracidea flower on shaymin
u beat the elite 4 5 times
You have to beat them.
In diamond you beat the elite 4 and Cynthia and then fly to the entrance of the elite four.Instead of going in to the elite 4 door,go right.You will find a long grass and flower path.ride your bike till you reatch the end.then you find shaymin.
you have to beat the elite 4 and then you battle them you have to beat the elite 4 and then you battle them
you have to beat the elite 4 and the campion.............. try it
no you do not have to the elite 4 more than once
yes, the game still continues after you beat the elite 4
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You have to beat the elite 4
Go to the Elite 4, and beat them.
You have to beat the elite 4 and then go to the safari (it is really rare). You have to beat the elite 4 and then go to the safari (it is really rare).