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No, and even if I did I wouldn't give it to you. Earn money and buy one yourself.

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Q: Do you have a unused Webkinz zumbuddy code?
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A Webkinz zum code?

A webkinz zum code is what you get when you buy a zumbuddy for your webkinz. You put in the code at the code shop.

How do you put a zumbuddy on webkinz?

You have to buy a Zumbuddy and type the code

Does anyone have an unused Zumbuddy code?

try 12u4e52hs8490076

How do you play with your zumbuddy on Webkinz?

First, go to the code shop on webkinz and enter the zumbuddy's code. Then it should pop up with a message that tells you that you've entered the code and now have a zumbuddy. After that, go to The Magical Forest (I think) on webkinz, and go to Zumwhere. Click "Play With Your Zums". It should take you to your zumbuddy's room, and you should already have a few toys for you zum. Place them in your room, and click to move your zum. Place it next to the toy (On top of it), and it will play with it. Have fun!

Can somebody give a webkinz unused code?

Yes you can give someone an unused webkinz code.

How do you tell if a webkinz code is unused?

Type it on Webkinz, and if it works, it's unused.

Do you have an unused Webkinz code?


Webkinz Unused secret code?

You can get a unused webkinz code from a store or online. The Ganz Estore provides webkinz and webkinz accessories. Stores such as Toyrus or Hallmark also offer webkinz.

What is a Pet Buddy on Webkinz?

It is Zumbuddy.

What is an unused code on Webkinz?

An unused code is a code on Webkinz that hasn't been used by anyone. It can be used to create an account or to add to an account.

Can you have an unused Webkinz code?


Could I please have an unused secret code for webkinz?

You can get a unused webkinz code from a store or online. The Ganz Estore provides webkinz and webkinz accessories. Stores such as Toyrus or Hallmark also offer webkinz.