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...No... that's creepy.

Visit my boutique on WFC! It's called Icecream. Silk City, Wool Court, Floor 9.

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Q: Do you get married on style savvy?
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Do you and Dominic ever get married in Style Savvy DS?

I don't think so.

When did Style Savvy happen?

Style Savvy happened in 2008.

When was Style Savvy created?

Style Savvy was created on 2008-10-23.

Are style boutique and style savvy the same thing?

Style boutique is used in the U.K., and style savvy is used in the U.S.

What are shopping cities on style savvy?

Shopping cities on style savvy are NYC and California

How do you change dates in style savvy?

you have to change the date on the ds/dsi menu to change the dates on style savvy

Can you restart style savvy?

Yes, there is a way to restart Style Savvy. On the main menu go to (4) SAVE DATA.

Do style boutique and style savvy have the same storyline?

I believe style boutique is just another name for style savvy, because there is no style boutique. Why would Nintendo make two of the same game?

What is your boutique name on style savvy?

My boutiqe name is Style 101 : )

What is better Style Savvy or Style Lab Makeover?

this may not be very helpful, but i LOVE style savvy. if i were you id buy it instead without looking at the other game. truth is, though, ive never played style lab makeover, so i wouldnt know. but either way i highly reccomend style savvy.

When is style savvy trendsetters releasing?

october 22

Shopping cities style savvy?

? be more specific.