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Yes, you age. Adults usually live around 30 sim days until they become elders.

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Q: Do you age in sims Castaway Life Stories?
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Can you age in Sims 2 Castaway stories for PC?

Yes you can, but only in freeplay.

How old do The Sims get in Sims life stories?

The Sims reach the same age as in The Sims 2

Do sims age on sims castaway stories?

Yes they do! I have the game, but can't play it any more because it screwed up the laptop I played it on. And for more random information about that, the laptop has now almost crashed about 2 or 3 times T_T

Do your sims age in sims castaway?

No, however their clothes get old and tatty and their hair grows (this is where a sewing kit comes in handy)

Can you only be adults in Sims Castaway Stories for PC?

yes , you can only be the lady or the man , who have been castaway - that's in story mode. --- no. if you play through story mode, you can start a family when the game ends. my girl, Jennifer or whatever, got pregnant with twins and had baby girls, but i don't know if they age! o.O

How do you age faster on sims life stories?

You can use the cheat boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true code then Shift lick on the sim you want to age and click "Set to Birthday" then you click on the sim and hit grow up. they will proceed into the next stage of life.

How do you change the Sims age in Sims Life Stories I need the cheat and it's a different one than Sims 2 and the ChangesimsAgeCheat wont work or im not doing it right so whats the cheat?

You pull up the Cheat Box using control, shift, and C all at once. Then you type in AgeSimsCheat on. Then you click on the sim and it will come up with a thing that says set age, and you click which ever age group you want her/him at.

Are there games like Second Life or Sims but you don't have to be a certain age?


Can your sims age on sims 3?

Yes, your sims have a life span which you can change the length of in options. They have different stages of life for a certain amount of time: baby toddler child teen young adult adult elder

Do you know any online games to play like woozworld?

Onverse Poptropica SmallWorlds IMVU SecondLife (Bleh!) StarDoll Sims (Series) Some Facebook games: Wizard of OZ The Hunger Games Castle Age Suburbia A Better Life Happy Family Some more: SPENT Alter Ego (Or was it Alter Ago?) ` SweetyHigh Sims Freeplay Sims Stories

Why do sims in your town age faster than The Sims you play?

Well the npc sims must be set to different ageing times if you go to options you can choose a short life,medium life or a long life. It will tell you then how long your sime will live . Really hope this helps : ) !!

How do you know when your sims will age on The Sims 2 double deluxe?

look in the left hand corner, there is a bar there that shows how far your sims life is. hovering over it will tell you how many days they have left