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No it is retired. They stopped selling it years ago. I wish they still sold it though. I really hate the wired looking ones there making now, with the holes in them I really miss the ones with the pink magnets

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Q: Do they still sell the littlest pet shop wolf?
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Are there any animal simulation games like wolf quest?

try wolf quest i haven't play'd it yet but you might love it p.s it's a download.or L.P.S.O Littlest Pet Shop Online its a good game to meif that did not work try webasuors a Dinosaur game onlineand please please if you ever ever find an animal game that i can play tell me please.I was going to ask the same but obviously the question says "like wolf quest" meaning the user wants a game she can relate to it, not the same simulation game as Wolf Quest. This is why children have to reread questions in school...p.p.s. littlest pet shop online shut down

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Im not sure if they still have the wolf shirt in the SC shop since they only had it in store last year when it was halloween. If you would want this shirt, you can check if they might have it this year, but im not so sure if they will.

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No people can not hunt the grey wolf. A lot of people pouch still but we are still trying to stop it. The grey wolf is still close to the endangered list so they cant.

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No, no real wolf breeder would sell them, because they wouldn't want to endanger the very endangered Mexican wolf species. If someone is trying to sell you a Mexican wolf, they're trying to rip you off.

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Wolf Man Mac's Chiller Drive In - 2009 The Little Shop of Horrors - 3.6 was released on: USA: 2010

How do you get the smart wolf in wolf team?

Go to shop, then go to power ups, with the tattoos and stuff, and select second wolf mutation. After the item is in invent, and you're playing, wolf conquest/wolf war/ex-conquest, hit the shift key and you will then be able to select the second wolf mutation.

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maybe at an animal shop in the stuff animal section.

What are the release dates for Wolf Man Mac's Chiller Drive In - 2009 The Little Shop of Horrors 3-6?

Wolf Man Mac's Chiller Drive In - 2009 The Little Shop of Horrors 3-6 was released on: USA: 2010