People still play that?
Almost all of my friends play Pokemon. It's still a big fad. I'm obsessed with Pokemon and I play as often as I can. So yes.
Pokemon is an anime and lots of people like it for there first years and some people in there 30's and 40's still like it, Pokemon will not end as far as i am concerned because Pokemon is to big of a franchise.
I don't remember... I lost my Pokemon Emerald Game.
look people if ur stupid enough to read this ash is really 40 years old y is he still playing Pokemon hes a nerd
Loads of people
'''People still remember him because he is known for giving America its name.'''
yea people still remember her a lot. People still love her. I love her.:)
People still play that?
It actually depends on other people like some people might remember it but some not
Almost all of my friends play Pokemon. It's still a big fad. I'm obsessed with Pokemon and I play as often as I can. So yes.
The highest pokemon level is either 99 or 100 (I can't quite remember which), but there are ways to temporarily get your pokemon to a higher level. Note that once a pokemon reaches the highest level, it will still gain experience, but won't gain stats.
Pokemon is an anime and lots of people like it for there first years and some people in there 30's and 40's still like it, Pokemon will not end as far as i am concerned because Pokemon is to big of a franchise.
he is very important and he is some people's heros.
He was the first person to get the firthest to the north pole
Pokemon is meant for all ages. I know some people older than 12 who still watches Pokemon. Pokemon is a family show.
no... its a game lol. but if you mean like in the game still... no. Pokemon is a species and people like the Professors study them for a living.