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Q: How is the Pokemon anime going to end?
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Related questions

Is Pokemon a anime?

Yes, Pokemon is an anime.

Is Pokemon considered anime?

Yes Pokemon is considered an Action anime.

Is pikachu a anime?

Pikachu is an anime character from the anime, Pokemon.

Will yuki be zero girlfriend?

Honestly the end of the anime and in the books she ends up with Kaname Kuran...BUT there is going to be a third season in the anime and the manga is going on. So... THERE IS STILL HOPE!

When is Pokemon explorers of sky anime going to air in the US?

I've heard that it will be in a few months or so.

Is Pokemon an anime?


When is Pokemon is going the end?

i've been told at 1,000 pokemon

How on Earth is Ash going to reach his goal of catching all the Pokemon if there is over 700 different Pokemon?

The anime never intended for Ash to actually catch them all, so just take it as a tag line of the games instead of the anime.

When is the pokemon series going to end?

i've been told at 1,000 pokemon

Is this the end of anime from japan?

The "end of anime" ? - Not hardly , the Japanese will continue to produce anime despite the earthquake/tsunami .

Is Pokemon an anime style TV show?

Yes Pokemon is certainly considered Anime.

Is Pokemon awesome?