No the PS2 games would only work on there own Older 4 USB port early PS3s
No. NTSC games will not work on a PAL Xbox 360.
Normally you cannot. It will make your screen do this rolling thing. You will have to make it so your console can play copied games and then convert it from NTSC to PAL. It is not all that hard to do if you know what you are doing. That guide I mentioned above told my friend how to do most everything with copying console games.
Probably not, (Ahem) There are 2 regions of Wiis. PAL and NTSC. PAL Wiis can only play PAL games. NTSC games can only be played by NTSC Wiis. NTSC is usually for The USA, PAL is generally for everywhere else. There are also NTSC-J Wiis in japan.
Yes because the DS is not region locked so unlike the other consoles where you can only play PAL region games (Most of Europe, Africa excluding West Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand) in a PAL console or NTSC (The Americas excluding Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay that use PAL and Japan) games in a NTSC console.
sorry, no you can not. NTSC is a format that can only be played on a NTSC console. NTSC and PAL are two different coding methods. NTSC is coded for the North America and South America. pal is coded for across seas.
No. NTSC games will not work on a PAL Xbox 360.
if the game and console are PAL it should be alright and i think the UK and Australia are both PAL regions so it will probably work
I believe no as these regional lockouts are to keep people from playing import games and pirated ones.
Yes dear you can.
Yes, it will as long as your TV is NTSC compatible. If it is not, there is and NTSC-PAL adapter available which will allow this to work on older TV which are not compatible with NTSC
Normally you cannot. It will make your screen do this rolling thing. You will have to make it so your console can play copied games and then convert it from NTSC to PAL. It is not all that hard to do if you know what you are doing. That guide I mentioned above told my friend how to do most everything with copying console games.
Probably not, (Ahem) There are 2 regions of Wiis. PAL and NTSC. PAL Wiis can only play PAL games. NTSC games can only be played by NTSC Wiis. NTSC is usually for The USA, PAL is generally for everywhere else. There are also NTSC-J Wiis in japan.
it depends on what console sysytem u have if ur consoles pal then it works on pal if its ntsc then it wont work on pal.
No, the 3DS is region locked.
yah my xbox 360 plays PAL, but Nintendo games are not region-free generally.
The console will work without any doubt, but the games purchased in India won't play on the console. I am facing the same issues, the wii console is -Region- locked and will play only those games bought from that region. The main regions are: - Japan and Asia (NTSC-J) - North America (NTSC-U/C) - Europe and Australia (PAL region) - China (NTSC-C)