When do you mean? If you are talking about just typically then yes, he did go super saiyan 4. He did mostly in Dragonball GT.
i think it was after goku came back with his tail and turn ssj3 when he revert back to his old state goku look at the earth and become a golden great ape in episode 30. GOKU TURNED SSJ4 IN EPISODE 35, SHORTLY AFTER HE WAS A GREAT APE.
vegeta is
No ssj4 goku and ssj4 Vegeta is equal in power levels as a ssj4. Pls note that this will only happen at the end of Dragonball GT. At the end of Dragonball Z Goku is one level higher than Vegeta as ssj3.
get all the way to gt saga and finish it then go to duel or what ever and go to gt kid goku and go to ssj4 goku or gogeta ssj4
No there's not they made gogeta ssj4 but not goku or vegeta sucks
Goku easily
Goku turns SSJ4 to when he needs to defeat Baby Vegeta
goku can kill superman becuse he can turn ssj4 and crush superman
SSJ4 Goku, of course!
Theres officially up to ssj4
i think it was after goku came back with his tail and turn ssj3 when he revert back to his old state goku look at the earth and become a golden great ape in episode 30. GOKU TURNED SSJ4 IN EPISODE 35, SHORTLY AFTER HE WAS A GREAT APE.
vegeta is
Goku SSJ4 will win because he has 10x kamakamaeha.
Goku Got mad of Not beating Omega Shenron, And Goku Turns Super Saiyan 4 Because he gets mad.
No ssj4 goku and ssj4 Vegeta is equal in power levels as a ssj4. Pls note that this will only happen at the end of Dragonball GT. At the end of Dragonball Z Goku is one level higher than Vegeta as ssj3.
get all the way to gt saga and finish it then go to duel or what ever and go to gt kid goku and go to ssj4 goku or gogeta ssj4
Goku SSJ4 is the most powerful super saiyan form that Goku can transform into