Yes, as long as the Fusion Monster had been successfully Fusion Summoned before going to the graveyard, and does not have the phrase 'cannot be special summoned except' like Dark Paladin.
When using metamorphosis the LV of the Fusion monster should be the same as the LV of the monster you are going to tribute.
Yes, and in fact several Equip Spell cards would be useless if they could not, such as 'Snatch Steal' and 'Mark of the Rose'.
ok, you might have heard some rumors about sonic reborn, but really their not going to make sonic reborn. but i could be wrong.
Assuming both monsters survive the first attack, yes, Cyber Twin Dragon can declare its second attack against the same monster. So if the opponent had an attack position Spirit Reaper, you could attack it twice. It would not die, but the opponent would take battle damage to his lifepoints twice.
Monster Reborn is a "broken" card in Yu-Gi-Oh! because of its ability to Special Summon any monster card in either player's Graveyard at virtually no cost.Before current Forbbiden/Limited card lists, Monster Reborn was considered better than Call of the Haunted or Premature Burial because it was an unfair balance of give and take, while Call of the Haunted, and Premature Burial came with a cost (Call of the Haunted had to be Set and then activated the next turn and was vunerable to Spell/Trap destruction cards and cards such as Jinzo and Royal Decree; Premature Burial, although could be activated immediately, still required a cost of 800 Life Points, and was also vunerable to Spell/Trap destruction cards).However, players started to abuse the return effect of Giant Trunade and were able to reuse the effect of cards such as Call of the Haunted, Premature Burial, and Swords of Revealing Light over and over again (which resulted in the Limiting of Giant Trunade). Another advantage that influenced the banning of Call of the Haunted was its ability to activate even on the opponent's turn. Monster Reborn could not do that. Later, when the new Forbbiden/Limited card list came out, Monster Reborn was switched with Call of the Haunted on the Forbidden section. And the list after that placed Premature Burial right next to Call of the Haunted in the Forbidden list, and Magician of Faith was put there as well to avoid abuse of the newly released Monster Reborn.Premature Burial was deemed even more abused than Call of the Haunted. Along with Giant Trunade, the newly released Hidden Armory, foreshadowed continued abusive play with Premature Burial which earned it a place on the Forbidden list.As of the October 2010 Forbidden/Limited Card List, both Monster Reborn and Call of the Haunted are now Limited, with Premature Burial still Forbidden.
Yes, you can.You can special summon Synchro Monsters from the Graveyard, but they need to be properly Synchro Summoned first...Just like a Fusion monster. You see, if you properly synchro Summoned a monster and your opponent used "Lightning Vortex", you can simply use a "Monster Reborn" or any other card to recover it; since it was properly summoned. Although, if it is sent directly from your Extra Deck to the Graveyard by a card effect, you can say "bye-bye" to that card for the rest of the duel.
Simply. Go to the Fusion Machine.if you familiar with the fusion. theres a little box below the 2nd monster to fusion which you could insert the trick you want your monster to learn
monster reborn
When using metamorphosis the LV of the Fusion monster should be the same as the LV of the monster you are going to tribute.
You have to discard one card to activate it. Then you send from the field to the graveyard monsters listed on one of the Fusion Monsters in your Extra Deck, and special summon the Fusion Monster. Note that it's Quickplay so can be done in the opponent's turn, and it can use the opponent's monsters if they're the right ones. So if you and your opponent both have a Cyber Dragon in play, you could use Super Polymerization to fuse both into a Cyber Twin Dragon.
Yeah. There's just two kinds of monsters you need to look out for; 1 - Monsters that say "Can only be special summoned by..." These monsters have to be summoned properly by their own effects first, if you wish to use Monster Reborn on them. You can't just discard them and use Monster Reborn. 2 - Monsters that say "Cannot be special summoned except by.." The only way (barring a few highly specialised circumstances) these can ever reach the field, is by following their own text. They cannot be special summoned from the graveyard by Monster Reborn, even if they were properly summoned first.
The turn player has Priority to start all chains, unless a triggered effect starts one on its own. Once Monster Reborn resolves, the turn player has Priority for an Ignition Effect, or a Spell Speed 2 effect. He could start a chain with Chaos Sorcerer's Ignition Effect, before the opponent has chance to respond with a card like Bottomless Trap Hole.
If I have Kaiser Colosseum active, and one monster on my side of the field, then my opponent is only allowed to have one monster on his side. If I have two, he can have two.The exception is that monsters already on the field are unaffected, and by this it means if I had one monster, and my opponent had two, nothing would happen if I then activated Kaiser Colosseum - my opponent would not lose a monster. He still could not summon another, even if one of his current monsters was destroyed by something else.However if I have zero monsters on my side of the field, then Kaiser Colosseum no longer has any effect, so the opponent can summon as many as he is able to.
It's exactly the same as regular Polymerization. It can summon almost any Fusion Monster, the only ones it could not are ones that specifically say they can only be summoned by a different method, such an example would be the Gladiator Beast fusions, and the Elemental HERO Fusions.
Call of the haunted sometimes cant be use on the turn u want it (trap). The others r spells,used immediatelyExample:u just draw Call of the haunted. u want to special summon some monster from your graveyard as sacrifice for your (something) or your tribute for (somecard). But u have 2 wait till the next turn to do it, which could leave u at a disadvantage. But monster reborn and premature burial dont have this problem.
Yes, and in fact several Equip Spell cards would be useless if they could not, such as 'Snatch Steal' and 'Mark of the Rose'.
yes there is. It's called the Summoner of Illusions. A Spellcaster LV3 Light monster withATK: 800 DEF: 900Text: FLIP: Tribute 1 monster on your side of the field (excluding this monster). Special Summon 1 Fusion Monster Card from your Fusion Deck. The Fusion Monster is destroyed at the end of the turn this effect is activated.Also you can use Metamorphosis but you must tribute 1 monster with the same Level as the Tributed monster.there are other cards you can use. RESEARCH.