

Best Answer

There is more brawls on nick like

super brawl.

super summer brawl.

super fall brawl.

one more coming in winter.

If you want them so bad here you are

goingghost is for Danny

airbender is for AANG can not use him in tournament

wasteland is for aang's battle area can not use him in tournament

ghosttown is for Danny's area

Do you start w/ juliens area. if not try jungle

If you want julien play smashfest. that is all i am telling. You can not us him in tounament

freeplay is for arcade you can use the other 3 in

practice is for training or it's training for practice you can use the other 3 in

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Q: Codes for jingle brawl
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How do you get Danny on jingle brawl?

go ghost in codes

What is the code for super brawl?

i dont know i only know the jingle brawl codes

What is the code for Danny phantoms arena on jingle brawl?

dannys code is Danny phantom

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Jingle brawl nickcom cheat codes?

freeplay,lemurking,kingjulien,airbender and wasteland

How do you get drblowhole on super brawl?

Acually, he is not in jingle brawl. He is in super brawl. No codes are used. You just have to beat him! Good luck!

Codes for Danny in jingle brawl?

goingghost is the code but for you to play as him you have to vs him in a match but you do not have to win

Code for king Julian on jingle brawl?

The code for king julien on Jingle Brawl is lemurking.

What is the code for sandy in jingle brawl?

Sandy is not in brawl

How do you play the locked chareterson jingle brawl?

get codes when you see a game that says play this game to get a jingele brawl code but you can only do it one time die then you can not do it agin so be crful