there is no code for the f2000 you have to play at least 2 battlefield game, then link your gamertag to your ea account, then submit your gamertag at battlefield
f2000 is not unlockable with a code, you need to have a account on bad company veterans.
The game can have different regions. it should day its region code on the back of the game box
In Bad Company 2 you can turn off the dialogue, you probably can in the first Bad Company also.
You should never try to get a bad egg unless you have a AR. Since I think there is a code that can release bad eggs.
f2000 is not unlockable with a code, you need to have a account on bad company veterans.
There is no code for it.... You automatically get it when you get the Veteran achievement
F2000 you missed the last 0 :D
usas av3somefir3pov3r uzi cov3ringthecorn3r qbu88 youar3mynextt4rget m60 i dont now f2000 i dont now
The F2000 is a rifle manufactured by the Belgian firearms company Fabrique Nationale (FN) Herstal. It was developed in the late 1990s as a modular, bullpup assault rifle for military and law enforcement use.
The F2000 assault rifle was developed in Belgium by Fabrique Nationale d'Herstal.
Bad company 2
You Don't...
When you buy the game, there will be a voucher inside the case with a code. This is your VIP code.
I'm assuming you've already signed up for the Veteran's program. Go and download the Battlefield 2142 demo from Battlefield's website. Install, create an account, play 1 game (I spent 5 mins running around in a circle and firing my weapons). Log out, go to the Battlefield Veteran's program, add your Battlefield 2142 account that you just created. It will register the account to your EA/PSN accounts. Once you log back into Battlefield: Bad Company, check Unlocks in Multiplayer and you should see that you managed to unlock the F2000.
At this point the only way to get it is to go to and tell the EA people you can't get the veteran achevement because of there crummy website, then they'll give you the 5 or so unlock things to unlock the F2000 for BFBC1 and the M1 Garand for BFBC2.