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In Bad Company 2 you can turn off the dialogue, you probably can in the first Bad Company also.

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Q: Can you turn off language in battlefield bad company?
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Can you turn off cursing in battlefield 4?

Battlefield 2 was the first Battlefield game to have swearing it is not bad though they only say the "D word" when saying "Sorry" Battlefield Bad Company 2 and 1 has swearing but in Bad Company 2 you can turn it off in MULTIPLAYER by going to Options and scrolling Dialouge to 0. Battlefield 3 has language and there is no way to turn it off.

Can you turn blood off in bad company?

Unfortunately for younger and/or squeamish players, it is impossible to turn off blood in Battlefield: Bad Company. It is also impossible to turn off blood in Battlefield: Bad Company 2.

Why is battlefield bad company 2 mature?

Violence and bad language

What will battlefield bad company 2 be rated?

Battlefield Bad Company 2 is rated M for Blood, Strong Language, and Violence Strong Language can be turned of in MULTIPLAYER by going into options and lowering the "Dialouge" to 0 which will turn off voices which would basically turn the rating down to T. for just little bit of blood and Violence.

How do you turn of all the swears in battlefield bad company 2?

You can turn off the Language in Multiplayer by scrolling the Dialouge button in options all the way down to 0.

What makes Battlefield Bad Company rated T?

Violence and mild language

What rating is bad company 2?

Battlefield Bad Company 2 is rated E . It is for Blood, Strong Language, and Violence.

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Sweetwater does not die in Battlefield Bad Company.

Is Battlefield 3 Battlefield Bad Company 3?

No, Battlefield 3 does not follow the Bad Company series storyline. Battlefield 3 is a sequel to Battlefield 2.

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Can you turn the bad language off in battlefield bad company?

No. It is rated M for a reason. If you know you cant handle the maturity in rated m dont get a rated m game. cursing is one of things thats in it

When is battlefield bad company 3 coming out?

There is no official release date for battlefield bad company 3 because the battlefield series has just made battlefield 3. But I'm sure there will be a battlefield bad company 3 because the bad company series have been very successful in making good games.