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The egg is at the ski hill on top of the pole with all the weird shapes (codes) i guess look there trust me it's on the top of the pole click the little whole at the very top or what ever and you will see a little circle kind of coming out your welcome and bye.

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Q: Clubpenguin where is the 7th egg?
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Where is the 7 egg on clubpenguin?

At the ski hill.

On clubpenguin where are the eggs for the Easter egg hunt?

1st egg: hidden lake 2nd egg: book room 3rd egg: beach 4th egg: mine 5th egg: cove 6th egg: gift shop 7th egg: ski village 8th egg: beacon thank you for your time and be my friend! username: shella5750 bye xxx

Where is the egg on clubpenguin for this rittle you will find this egg it spends its day floating in waves where the penguins play?

in the cove

Where is the first clubpenguin Easter egg?

It is in the Dojo inside the small tree next to the sensei.

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listen to what secret agent G says

Where is a bonsai on clubpenguin?

It's in the dojo right next to the sensei its a little tiny tree, click it and a little egg will come out.

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What is Club Penguin 2?

its clubpenguin. clubpenguin 2 clubpenguin it's clubpenguin but 2 added to it that's all

Where does clubpenguin design their stuff?

If you asked who makes clubpenguin Disney makes clubpenguin

Is battman on Clubpenguin?

No battman is not on clubpenguin.

Can you fight in Clubpenguin?

No you can not fight in clubpenguin.

Can you have children on Clubpenguin?

No you cannot have kids on clubpenguin.