Go to the parents section and go to manage accounts and log in (Note: If you don't have a parent account,make one by clicking beside it) And when you log in you will see pending penguins,it means it still needs to be accepted to the email used when signing up on that penguin account and then when you log in all penguin names will be added automaticly when the parent account email address is same as the one used then click the penguin name you want to manage and then go to the first one on the upper left corner (Penguin tools) and there you go your chat mode can be saved. P.S. when you changed your settings don't forget to click SAVE SETTINGS before you leave the page or else it will not work.
Your penguin has to be in "safe chat" mode, not "ultimate safe chat" mode.
To turn the ultimate safe chat off you need to log into the parent zone and select safe chat mode.
Hello today i will tell you how to take off safe chat on Club Penguin.1.You need a Club Penguin account..You need to have a parent login account if not you can make one by going to penguin parents then you go to manage accounts then yougo to create account and USE the EMAIL you used to create YOUR penguin.3.You have to click add penguin type in the penguin name and password{example} PENGUIN NAME: Billybob PENGUIN PASS:CpTeam {NOTE} THIS IS JUST A EXAMPLE NOT REAL4.then it should add your penguin.It will say the penguin name Billybob} age {984} coins {45,820} membership expiration date {NOV 3, 2009{ex}5.Then you should click on the penguin name and it will load.6.You will see about four things click on the parent tools and it will let youuncheck/check the penguin ultimate safe chat mode or standard safe chat mode.7.click on the standard safe chat mode and save settings.8.Next time you log in you will be able to talk.P.S.IF YOU GO TO A SERVER WITH A WHITE BUBBLE YOU WILL NOT BE ABLETO TALK THOSE ARE SAFE CHAT SERVERS.THANK-YOU FOR READING HOPED THIS HELPEDIF NOT EMAIL ME AT {modg122009@hotmail.com} and ask Questions.
You unlock games by playing story mode in club penguin game day.
Finish the timed trial.
Your penguin has to be in "safe chat" mode, not "ultimate safe chat" mode.
There is something wrong with club penguin.
In ultimate safe chat there is a speech bubble on the sever you click on.
you do not have to change it there are some servers where you can type and chat or if you want to change it then log-in to your club penguin account then go to edit account then go to manage account then wright your parent email and password for a shortcut go to membership then go to manage account then wright your parent email and password
There is servers with safe chat or if your parent has a parent account on it they can switch it and edit your profile features!
When you first create a penguin and have confirmed it through your Parent/Guardians email you choose your chat mode. The 1 you are thinking of, i think, is Ultimate Safe Chat.
on club penguin when you make a penguin don't click safe chat mode because then you cant talk yourself so click the other option
Because they are updating all the servers.
To turn the ultimate safe chat off you need to log into the parent zone and select safe chat mode.
1. go to clubpenguin.com/parents 2. make a parent account if u dont hav one 3. click manage account in the top right corner 4. click on your penguin that u want to change the chat mode on 5. the next time you sign in i guess u will have it but it didnt work for me but tht works:)
Probably your parent or guardian selected a different chat for you. Safe chat is when you can only select words from the far south left corner. Standard chat is where you can type in words to chat. You can not fix your chat mode when you are already a logged in player.
when you set up an account you can click on eathier ultimate safe chat mode( this is the one where you cant type) or safe chat (this one you can type)