

Best Answer

Well this isn't very much of a question...but I think your asking what they are.

Club Penguin releases a new hidden "pin" every month, this can be put on your player card* for decoration. They're really cool but never come back, so be sure to get as many as possible!

*Your player card is what you see when you or someone else clicks on you. You can see your background, penguin, Pin, and Member status (if any).

This months pin is tambourine + ruby

For more accurate updates visit Its Me Ue's profile by clicking Its Me Ue below where it says

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Q: Club Penguin pins
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Where are the hidden pins on Club Penguin?

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Where are the pins on club penguin?

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You have to find them.

Where are pins in Cp?

it is in club penguin hahahhahahh

Where are pins in Club Penguin?

Get a life :) that's what it is.

Where are the club penguin pins?

Club penguin pins change where they are every two weeks, the one at the moment (07/07/2012) is at the Dojo Courtyard.

Where are all the newest pins on club penguin?

in the mine

Do penguins hide pins on Club Penguin?

yes they do

How do you get 50 pins in club penguin the fastest way?

There is no fastest way! You have to get the club penguin pin, and then wait for the next one.

How do you get all Club Penguin pins?

You find a pin and walk on it.

How do you get old pins on club penguin?

I think he means by hacking