Here's what to do - IN NEIBOURHOOD VIEW Type : Boolprop testingcheatsenabled true
Then click enter, go into your sims house, play you MALE sim, and SHIFT-CLICK on the dear telescope, then click "Debug - Get Abducted" Then your sim will get abducted and then come back and be pregnant (Yes the male sim will be pregnant, i know its weird but that's just how it works!) Then your male sim will give birth a few sim days later and will give your family an alien sim!!!
Happy Simming! XD
No you don't need the dearest tel. all you need is a telescope. use any sim ( except a child it wont work with this cheat i tried) boy , girl, teen, adult, exc. 1. type in boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true. 2. buy a telescope. (any telescope) 3. press down on shift key at the same time as clicking on your sims tel. click "DEBUG- Get Abducted" 4. Your sim will walk over to the telescope. your game will start a video of your sim being abducted. (my sims were gone about two hrs. in sim time maby about a min. and 30 secs. in are time) Have fun with your sims and ALIENS. P.S only male sims will get preg.
unlike in the sims 2, your sims can not be abducted in the sims 3.
There is no cheat.
You can't get abducted in sims 2 for psp but you can in the ps2 and GameCube version I hope this help you :) !
at night you stargaze with the telescope. or you can use the boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true cheat and then SHIFT + click on the telescope and select abduct by aliens.
Nope. It sucks. But what if they get abducted? On regular Sims if they get abducted by aliens they are pregnant,and my Sim was barfing in the toilet which they also do if they are pregnant.
There is no set time but if your bored of waiting then you can cheat. Press Crtl + Shift + C to open the cheat window the type "boolprop Testingcheatsenabled true" (without the quotation marks) into the cheat window. The get the Sim you want to get abducted to stargaze then hold shift and click on the telescope then click DEBUG get abducted then a beam of light will come down and your Sim is abducted.
unlike in the sims 2, your sims can not be abducted in the sims 3.
possibly!by the way if you want bug bucks type in the cheat motherload
You have to get a male sim abducted by aliens, by using a cheat or stargazing until he is abducted. Then he will be gone for several hours. When he returns he will be pregnant with an alien child
It randomly happens you don't know it will happen
There is no cheat.
you cant get abducted its impossible
no, there aren't any aliens in the sims 3 like there are in the sims 2
first thing it is the sims 2 pets and abducted means that you were takin by aleins
Yes type Ctrl+Shift+C then type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true (exactly how i typed it) then buy the most exspensive telescope then Shift+Click on it and click debug get abducted.
You can't get abducted in sims 2 for psp but you can in the ps2 and GameCube version I hope this help you :) !
Since the Sims 2 Pets is an expansion pack of the Sims 2 then of course you can be abducted by aliens as you can on the Sims 2.You have to buy a telescope and stargaze all night.Since the Sims 2 Pets is an expansion pack of the Sims 2 then of course you can be abducted by aliens as you can on the Sims 2.You have to buy a telescope and stargaze all night.