elliv island cheat code...
get 15 on charm and romance then type in sagara and hikarunogo these cheats will give you eternal money and all the girls will like you.
they are either Sagara or Hikarunogo
There are no cheat codes for Dead Island on the xbox 360. Most cheats which you will find are tutorials on how to get items quickly etc.
what do you wight on the bar box
There are no cheat codes on Poptropica. (see the related question)
The cheat knome is on the second Island by the waterfall and other places to but it just depends at the time where you are. But you have to also look online to get cheat codes. What you do is type in cheat codes for sims castaway 2 for wii on the question bar in the top of the screen.I have done this before and it works like a charm.
Give you a flying car :)
hikarunogo is one of them
i know one is sagara, but are the other ones?
=== ===
sagara and hikarunogo.
they are either Sagara or Hikarunogo
money:hikarunogo ex ponits for girls 700:sagara
There are two girls in Elliv Island; Ivia and Ellie
There is a couple Habbo Hotel Sims 3 Webkinz I hope this helped
gta cheat codes