Cyberdark Dragon cannot be summoned except by Fusion Summon. Cyber Stein does not 'fusion summon' the fusion monsters is summons, it is only a special summon. It therefore cannot summon monsters like Dark Paladin, or Cyberdark Dragon.
As long as you have he two cards for the fusion you have to play someone with that monster and kill it. Graveyard slot now does notmatter go back to your deck construction and reincarnate the tougher of the two or three fusion cards. This will get you the fusion card you are looking for
If you sell it to some fanatic
depends on the dragon. but they're multiple cards that can be used on a dragon type monster
There are multiple cards. Older TCG cards like "5 Headed Dragon" and "Dragon Master Knight". The Egyptian God cards like "The Winged Dragon of Ra" are very rare as well. Unfortunately, Berserk Dragon isn't rare at all. All in all, any card can be rare, it's the matter of finding them/.
Your best bet is a cyber or cyberdark deck, with cards like Cyber Dragon for Cyber and Cyberdark Keel for Cyberdark.
cards for the ultimate Dragon deck is:Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End3 Blue-eyes white Dragon Blue-eyes ultimate DragonF. G. D. Red-eyes black Dragon Red-eyes darkness dragon3X Cyber Dragon Cyber Twin Dragon Cyber End DragonCyberdark Horn Cyberdark Edge Cyberdark KeelMasked Dragon Armed Dragon LV3 Armed Dragon LV5Exploder Dragon Twin-Headed BehemothChimeratech Overdragon Cyberdark DragonSpellsFuture Fusion, Dragon's Mirror, Power Bond, Overload Fusion.and you should have Cyber-Stein it's really useful.and photon generator unit and cyber barrier dargon
You hope to pull it...
no just its atk and def
Cyberdark Dragon cannot be summoned except by Fusion Summon. Cyber Stein does not 'fusion summon' the fusion monsters is summons, it is only a special summon. It therefore cannot summon monsters like Dark Paladin, or Cyberdark Dragon.
I got this from a Zane Truesdale Duelist Pack, it doesn't show how many of one card he has, but its a start. This is light and dark Zanes deck I think. Cyber Dragon Cyber Barrier Dragon Cyber Laser Dragon Proto-Cyber Dragon Cyber Kirin Cyber Phoenix Cyberdark Horn Cyberdark Edge Cyberdark Keel Infernal Dragon Cyber Twin Dragon Cyber End Dragon Chimeratech Overdragon Cyberdark dragon Mystical Space Typhoon Limiter Removal De-Fusion Creature Swap Different Dimension Capsule Power Bond Photon Generator unit Overlode Fusion Future Fusion Ruthless Denial Call Of The Haunted Trap Jammer Attack Reflector Unit Return Soul Damage Polarizer Fusion Guard
No, the text for Cyberdark Dragon says: "This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon..."
Yes it will. The conditions are still being met, even if it was an Equip card at time of destruction.
the card number is 79407975 if you want to check go to
These cards go with "FGD" and "Dragon Master Knight", but they are not all necessarily recommended to use because they have limited use, cards with better effects, etc. Those cards will be marked with a *. *Kaibaman Dragon's Mirror Future Fusion Lord of D. *Flute of Summoning Dragons King Dragun Polymerization Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon *Paladin of White Dragon *Black Luster Soldier King of the Swamp The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion *Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon The reason why some of these cards are marked with the * is because they can be replaced by "King of the Swamp" and/ or "The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion" for Fusions.
I would say no... Cyberdark and Yubel have no natural synergy. I would pick one if I were you.
u can buy one from the store or buy 1 online. if u need to go 2 the store, there are game cards.