They cannot die but they can run away. If you don't feed your monster, its health and happiness will soon go to 0, but they won't die.
Nope, but a Moshi Monster can run away or become sick or unhappy. You can go to the Gross-ery Store and get your monster some food to let your monster be healthier. Not only that, you can play games to let your monster be happy and let your monster shine like a star.
A Moshi is what the monsters are called: "Moshi Monsters". You can not catch a Moshi Monster, you adopt a Moshi Monster when you start your Moshi Monsters account. Choose carefully as you can not change your Moshi Monster once you have verified the account.
If you overfeed your moshi monster log off and then log back on and your monster will be happy again
You get the secret Moshi Monster codes on Moshi Monster merchandise, such as books, cards and toys.
You can only have one Moshi Monster for your membership account. If you want more than one monster, you have to get another Moshi Monster member account.
You can not make your Moshi Monster run away from home. If you do not play with it or feed it, your monster will become unhappy and sick.
Your Moshi Monster can not run away, however, when your paid membership runs out, your moshlings will all disappear except 2. If you get a paid membership again the rest will still be in your zoo.
No, you can not give a monster away on Moshi Monsters.
Nope, but a Moshi Monster can run away or become sick or unhappy. You can go to the Gross-ery Store and get your monster some food to let your monster be healthier. Not only that, you can play games to let your monster be happy and let your monster shine like a star.
you have to go to the grocery store by 50 slopes then feed them to your monster but if you do it wrong it will run away
Just click on adopt a monster and away you go!
The best Moshi Monster is actually the head of Moshi Monsters and the Moshi Monsters staff, because they run the game and they make sure everyone is safe. Another opinion: Everyone!
If you click an area of your monsters room away from where your monster is then this should whistle your monster.
If you no longer with to have a Moshi Monster then you can contact the Moshi Monsters Customer Service team through email who will be more than happy to help you with this. Their email is
You can not wash your Moshi Monster.
you have to just keep clicking on it until it says something but if you click on it to many times it may run away. In my openion you cant get it to shut up.