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Q: Can you use your DS as a Wii controller?
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How can you use a Nintendo DS as a controller for Mario Kart Wii?

No, you cannot use a DS as a controller for Wii.

Do you have to have a DS to play Pokemon Battle Revolution?

No you don't. You can use any regular wii controller, but if you want to battle your friends or a random person, you can connect your DS or DSI to the wii, and use the Pokemon in your party to battle.

Can a Wii play ds games?

No it is IMPOSSIBLE to play DS games on the Wii but you can play Nintendo Gamecube games with the Gamecube controller

Can you use a Wii u you controller on the 1st Wii?

No. The Wii U controller will only be compatible with the Wii U.

Can you connect ds to wii?

ds can be connected to wii via:Nintendo channel to download ds demos.It can be used as a controller and you can transfer data in Pokemon battle revolution and my Pokemon ranch.

Do you use the controller for Madden 12 Wii?

No, you can't use the GameCube controler, but you can use the classic Wii controller.

Do you need a wii controller to play supers smash bros?

No, you can use the GameCube controller,wii nunchuck(with remote),and wii classic controller(with remote).

Can you use a wireless Xbox controller for Mario Kart Wii?

No, Xbox controllers can only be used for the Xbox. For Mario Kart Wii, you can use the Wii Remote, Wii Wheel, Wii Remote and Nunchuk, Classic Controller, or GameCube controller.

Can you use a Wii Classic Controller to play Super Mario Sunshine on the Wii?

No. When play Gamecube games on the Wii, you must use a Gamecube controller.

Can you use the top shot controller for wii black ops?

Not quite sure what that is, but the only three you can use are: Wii remote, Wii zapper, and Classic COntroller.

Can you use a gamecube controller for new super Mario bros Wii?

Yes you can use the gamecude controller. When I play with my brother or at video game club they use the gamecube controller.

Can you use a Wii without a Wii controller?

Not if you want to play it