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Yes, but it still requires a link cable for the GBA to GameCube.

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Q: Can you use tingle tuner on wii?
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On the Legend of Zelda windwaker how do you get the 5 tingle trophies?

Hook up a GCN to GBA cable to your Game boy advance or Sp hook it up to your gamecube or Wii put in legend of Zelda the wind waker then go to windfall island use the tingle turner item to call tingle if you have not gotten the item yet go find the jail and save tingle he will give you the tuner. Use the tuner at the island to play a training session with tingle finish the session and he will come with you wherever now go to each dungeon and use the GBA to find secret chests that are hidden and can only be found using the GBA use the tingle bomb to make secrets appear and find a chest in there will be your first tingle statue, go to the other dungeons to get the rest.

How do you get the tingle bombs in legend of Zelda wind waker?

to get tingle bombs you have to have a gameboy advance sp, and a gameboy connector for your gamecube or wii. then you have to connect with the gameboy once you have plugged everything in and turned the gamboy on. you also have to have the tingle tuner on the game. then, whenever you need tingle bombs, just hit B on the gameboy. it will cost you 10 rupees though!

Where is tingle island on wind waker?

Tingle will help you if you connect a game boy advance (using the tingle tuner). There is one in each main dungeon: Dragon Roost Cavern, Forbidden Woods, Tower of Gods, Earth Temple and Wind Temple. Tingle will say that there is a secret place ahead and you have to use the tingle bomb to bomb that area. Then the chest will be revealed. In Windwaker HD, you can use normal bombs instead of the tingle bomb.

How you use tingle in a sentence?

You make me tingle! There's a tingle in the air.

How do you play with Tingle in Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker?

Materials: 1 GameCube 1 Wind Waker disk 1 GBA(Game Boy Advance) 1 GBA connector for GameCube First, open up your file in Wind Waker. Second, have your Tingle Tuner(if unlocked. Rescue Tingle from the jail cell in Windfall island) available in X,Y,Z. Last, turn on your GBA (Have your GBA connected to the GameCube)and press one of the X,Y,Z buttons(you set your Tingle Tuner to).Enter "YES" and you will see in your TV screen "Now calling Tingle...".Wait for 20 seconds and control Tingle with your GBA!

How do you connect wind waker with your Game Boy?

first, you need to buy a link that connects your gameboy to the gamecube like it's a controller...then you need to turn on the also need the tingle tuner so if you don't have it, go to the jail house on windfall island and set tingle free...once you have the tingle tuner set it to one of your buttons and then press that should connect to your game boy advance in a few minutes

How do you use tingle in sentence?

Whilst building the snowman our fingers began to tingle with the coldness of the snow.

What card summon a synchro without a tuner?

no you can not you have to use a tuner

Is there a cheat for free money in Zelda windwaker?

there is a somewhat of a cheat for money. if you can hook up your gameboy advance to the gamecube and turn it on ( be shure there is not a game in the slot) then use your tingle tuner. once you do that you should be able to play as tingle, then sail or teleport to link's home island ( outset). once you do go on the ledge behinde grandmas house. use tingle to go along the wall till you find this (!) on the screen then use a tingle bomb on that spot. thena big pot should appear. float over there with your Deku leaf. break the pot out should pop an orange rupe. keep change from day and night with time of passing and each time you switch the pot appears again with an oragne rupe. Orange rupies are worth 100

How do you play as Tingle in Legend of Zelda Wind Waker?

Materials 1 Nintendo Gamecube 1 Legend of Zelda:Wind Waker disc 1 save file (from Wind Waker game) 1 GBA (Game Boy Advance) 1 GBA connector for Nintendo Gamecube First, Have your GBA connected to the GBA connector and the GBA connector socket to the Gamecube socket's 2,3 or 4. Second, Set your Wind Waker game in the Nintendo Gamecube and turn the Nintendo Gamecube on. Open up your save file and have Link set his (you set it) Tingle Tuner (if unlocked. Save Tingle from the jail in Windfall Island.)to Y,Z or X. Last, Turn on your GBA and press the button you've set your Tingle Tuner to. Enter "YES"("Do you want to call Tingle?") and wait for 20 seconds and help Link. Do whatever you want!

How do you videotape your television?

with a computer you would use a tv tuner card or a usb tv tuner.

Can you tune with 'Powered Tuner' in Yu-Gi-Oh?

It is not a Tuner monster - Tuner is a monster subtype and will be displayed with the monster's type (Dragon/Warrior, etc) and supertype (Effect/Normal, etc). It is not enough just for it to have Tuner in its name, that is not the definition of a Tuner monster. You are free to use Powered Tuner as a Synchro component, but only as a non-Tuner monster.