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Q: Can you use the gravity hammer in halo3 odst?
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Will you be able to use the gravity hammer in halo 3 odst?

i highly doubt it. the odst aren't strong enough to weild such a weapon.

Can you use a gravity hammer on a mongoose in Halo 3?

yes but you might damae the car

Can anyone help get recon on Halo 3 and odst please?

how to get recon on halo3 odst:beat halo 3 odst on legdendary players there can be four players playing and beating it too so you can use 1-4 players or 1-2 players to beat it or 1-3 players to beat it in ledgendary then you will get buck dutch rommieo micky and dare and when you just start the game the first time you atommacilt get rookkie amor

Can you change the juggernauts weapon in halo reach?

No you can not. It's very stupid but no matter what you do, the juggernaut can only use a gravity hammer.

What is new in Halo 3?

Well one the moniter is on your side cortana is captured by the flood you get to get to use the gravity hammer and spartan laser

In halo reach how do you make noble six look like a ODST?

Use the ODST helmet, shoulders, chest, default wrist. In the cut scenes the ODST's had black visors but during gameplay they had silver visors. Hope this helps :)

What is use of hammer?

The use of hammer is to pound the nail.

What is the use of hammer?

The use of hammer is to pound the nail.

How do you mlg talk on halo3?

You use callouts for MLG maps. You can search these easily up on google.

What do you use to hammer a nail?

a hammer

In Halo 3 ODST you are supposed to be able to use all vehicles Does that mean that you can use the police cars scattered around the city?

Probably not because they will destroyed and i doudt that ODST's are trained in using police cars.

What is a good gun to use on halo odst?

plasma rife or a fuel rod