Yes you can use oak wood planks to create a bed in minecraft. What is important is that the wool and the wood planks are put on the exactly the same pattern. Make sure to have 3 wools on the first row followed by 3 oakwood planks on the second row.
Wood planks, Oak wood, Glass (or Glass Pane), Door(s), Crafting Bench, Furnace, and a Bed.
put 3 wooden planks at the bottom, and 3 wool on top [any color]. make sure the top 3 are empty.
To make a bed you need three wool and three planks. In a crafting table put the three wool on the three parallel middle slots. Then put the three planks underneath the wool and you will have a bed.
You can't. You just need a soft place and shelter to sleep. Such as, wooden planks, grass.
you just sleep in a bed. how to make a bed? well put three wool over three wooden planks. BUT IF YOUR BED BECOME DESTROYED YOU WILL SPAWN IN YOUR OLD SPAWN POINT!!! So that's it! dream sweat!
Wood planks, Oak wood, Glass (or Glass Pane), Door(s), Crafting Bench, Furnace, and a Bed.
put 3 wooden planks at the bottom, and 3 wool on top [any color]. make sure the top 3 are empty.
To make a bed you need three wool and three planks. In a crafting table put the three wool on the three parallel middle slots. Then put the three planks underneath the wool and you will have a bed.
You can't. You just need a soft place and shelter to sleep. Such as, wooden planks, grass.
Crafting recipe: W= wool P=planks N=nothing |------------| | N | N | N | |------------| |W |W |W | |------------| | P | P | P | |------------|
Is it the pocket edition lite? (You cannot craft in the lite version) if it is the full ($7) version, then you put 3 blocks of will across on the 2nd row, and 3 wood planks underneath that, also running across. Hope I helped!
you use 3 wool and 3 wooden planks in beta, otherwise you can't
I am guessing that you mean minecraft. If you do then you put 3 wool (in a crafting table) over 3 wooden planks.
They really didn't have furniture. There may have been a table, a 3 legged stool, and planks of wood for a bed.
You can make a bed or a painting
A crafting table is required: three wooden planks and three wool outputs one bed. See sources/related links for recipe image.
You right click on the bed. Assuming it is in a valid 'house' (fully enclosed box of at least 60 tiles but no more than 720) it will set your spawn point to that bed. Clicking again will reset the spawn point to the one you originally entered the world at.