Yes. You have to go onto the game, and while you are playing, press start. Then, hold rt, rb, lt and lb all at the same time. Follow the onscreen intructions, and buy spoot the llama. Click on him there are loads of cheats-then find motherlode, and you get 50,000 simeoleons.
No, you can use the motherlode cheat as many times as you want until you are satisfied with the amount of money you have.
During gameplay press [ctrl]+[shift]+C to open the cheat console and type "motherlode".
you press control or ctrl, then shift, then c, type in motherlode, press return or enter. easy.
motherlode -Which is the cheat to get 50,000 -It works on Sims 3, for every pack
The only one I know is motherlode. You click shift+cntrl+c and then type motherlode while in your sims home. You get 50,000 simeleons. Dunce.
No, you can use the motherlode cheat as many times as you want until you are satisfied with the amount of money you have.
Use the code motherlode. Hope that helped.
not much just use the motherlode cheat
Yes, "motherlode" is the cheat code which enables you to get 50,000 simeoleons each time you enter it.
During gameplay press [ctrl]+[shift]+C to open the cheat console and type "motherlode".
Motherlode is a cheat code that gives your sim/family 50,000 simoleans. You use it by hitting ctrl+shift+C then entering motherlode into the cheat console box in the upper left corner of the screen. Have fun.
you press control or ctrl, then shift, then c, type in motherlode, press return or enter. easy.
motherlode -Which is the cheat to get 50,000 -It works on Sims 3, for every pack
ctrl shift c type in motherlode
it does, but it's spelled motherlode not motherload...
1 cheat code is "motherlode" for $50,000