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There are certain parts that you can change and others that seem to be impossible.

All of the values i have tried have been basic 4 byte*1 though, so it's easy to try out yourself.

I will give you two good hacks i have tried myself.

1). Infinite money:

Search for your money value. Buy something from the store. Search for the new value and repeat until theres only 1 value. Then change that value to 999999. You now have 999999 cash. You can buy whatever you want and change it to more if you need to.

2). Infinite pokemon hp:

Search for your pokemons HP (important that it is full hp.)

For example, Pignite has 79/79 HP. Search 79.

Let the pokemon die. (important that it is dead.)

As soon as it's hp says 0, search for 0. This is important and the timing must be right. If there are no results you did it at the wrong time, try again. If there are too many results, heal it to full and search the full value again until you get 2 values only.

(It's easy to heal if you use a save state when it's full hp and just load the state back, this doesn't mess with CE :P)

Eventually you will have the 2 values for Max hp and Current hp. Change both to 999 and then you should be able to beat anyone. Do not freeze it because the game gets weird when you have 0 hp but the actual value is frozen as a positive. Just change it back to 999 after every hit if you have to.

I'm sure there are many more hacks, i haven't tried everything, but the one thing i couldn't do was change my pokemons stats super high. :(

You can see i avoided extremely high numbers, like 999999999 pokemon health. I did this because that's not possible in the game and may cause problems. It's best to be safe and do technically possible values at all times. The example values i gave are all safe and will not mess with your game. Just change the pokemon's HP back to normal when you're done with it.

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Q: Can you use cheat engine with Pokemon black or white?
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