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Yes, you can by modding your 'minecraft.jar'.

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Q: Can you use a mod for kinecraft in singleplayer?
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Is the Minecraft fossils mod singleplayer?

Yes, this mod is available for singleplayer

What does a mod on Minecraft do?

Either it enhances the experience like the aether or mo'creatures mod,or cheats it like too many items mod and singleplayer commands.

Does the minecraft comes alive mod for 1.2.5 work on multiplayer?

no it only works on singleplayer beacuse it is a mod in a village and not online.

Is it safe to use too many items mod and singleplayer commands on minecraft?

Only if you are in single player. On most servers, if you try to use commands or too many items it will say that you are not able to use that command. If it does not and you get the items you may be banned from the server for cheating.

How do you switch the game mode from creative to survival in minecraft?

I would recommend you get the SinglePlayer Commands mod for Minecraft. It is very easy to install so don't worry about a difficult setup.

Can you chat when you are in singleplayer?

Yes, you can chat in singleplayer, just only to yourself.

How do you play zombie mod in cs 1.6 offline?

You need to install AMX Mod X and a Zombie Mod Plugin to your listenserver. A listenserver is the server your computer runs when you are playing offline singleplayer or anytime you create a server using your game client. Just install AMX Mod X to your listenserver (your game) just as you would to any server and install a Zombie Mod Plugin normally. AMX Mod X has some good documentation on their site if you need any help.

Is it possible to use minecraft's demo mode to play multiplayer?

No, you can only play singleplayer.

How do you fly Minecraft?

If you are in the free version in mutliplayer, certain servers if you type /fly, you can fly, but only some allow that. Although if you are in the free version of singleplayer, you can not fly. If you have bought minecraft, you can fly if you are in creative mode by double tapping 'space', or by downloading a mod. Servers can be picky about mods you can and can not use.

What Minecraft is best for mods?

Lots of different people have different opinions but if it's for the ease factor I'd have to say zombe fly mod, This allows you to fly around on Singleplayer or Multiplayer and skip all the Mobs down below. If your looking for a cool mod I'd have to say the Aether Mod which adds a Skyland where there are new mobs, new dungeons, new items, and it makes minecraft 10x more fun than it is on it's own. You can get the mod by googling Aether Mod Minecraft.

What mod did bajancanadian the youtuber use?

better sprinting mod

Do you need modloader to run optimine mod for minecraft?

No. I use that mod and I don't have mod loader.