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Only in certain parts of the quest. For the final battle, yes.

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Q: Can you use a cannon in the troll romance quest?
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to use the dwarf multicannon, complete quest dwarf cannon. to use the hand cannon, complete the giant dwarf. those two quests befriend dwarfs.

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yes provided that you have done the troll stronghold quest and have the magic level of 61 for the trollheim teleport otherwise you have to use climbing boots to get to godwars

Can you use a dwarf cannon in dream mentor in runescape?

I have just finished this quest and sadly, you can't. If you check Zybez, Runewiki, or Tipit, they all say no. :( (besides, I've tried.)

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A normal cannon No, but you can use a hand cannon at your own risk that it could explode whilst you are trying to kill him.

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I'm assuming you can considering it is a Green Dragon and you can cannon thoose but to be honest its pathetic if you have to use a cannon against him.....

How do you kill the shadowscythe cannon in adventure quest?

you use five of your spells one is the fireball, second the whirlwind, third the tenderills of darkness, fourth froth and fifth rainbolt. hope it helps.

Did Romans bring canons to England?

The Romans did not use cannons. The cannon was a medieveal invention not an ancient one.The Romans did not use cannons. The cannon was a medieveal invention not an ancient one.The Romans did not use cannons. The cannon was a medieveal invention not an ancient one.The Romans did not use cannons. The cannon was a medieveal invention not an ancient one.The Romans did not use cannons. The cannon was a medieveal invention not an ancient one.The Romans did not use cannons. The cannon was a medieveal invention not an ancient one.The Romans did not use cannons. The cannon was a medieveal invention not an ancient one.The Romans did not use cannons. The cannon was a medieveal invention not an ancient one.The Romans did not use cannons. The cannon was a medieveal invention not an ancient one.

How did Harry Potter and Ron Weasley save Hermione Granger from the troll?

They use spells and the slowness of the troll to conquer him. The most effective parts are where Ron levitates the troll's club and drops it onto him, and Harry shoves his wand up the troll's nose.

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You use the bingo troll as your marker after you get invited(by Greg's grandma)to play bingo at Leisure Towers.

In Lord of the Rings conquest how do you use trolls?

Go up to the troll or and press RB Right Bumper. You are now in a troll. ent

What are the definitions of cannons and casnonballs?

a cannon is the instrument use to propel a cannonball. A cannon ball is the missile which is propelled from a cannon.................

What are dwarf cannons and what do they do on RuneScape?

Dwarf cannons are these cannons on Runescape, used to help train range. You smith the cannon balls, and when fighting monsters you can set them up and it helps fight the monsters, along with training your range. You have to do the quest, "Dwarf Cannon" to be able to purchase and have the permission to use one. Even then, the cannon itself isn't the reward from the quest. You have to purchase it. You can purchase it all together, which is around 750k, or buy each part one by one, which in the end totals around 802k. The prices change though; so keep that in mind.