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Yes you can. Go to the options menu and then gameplay.

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Q: Can you turn off blood and language in MW2?
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Can you turn off the language in mw2?

no a-hole

Can you turn off blood in MW2?

No, you cannot turn off blood in CoD: MW2. Infiniity Ward made it there to make it look 'realistic.'

Can you turn off language in mw2?

yea u can in gameplay i think cuz my friend hacked it and u can turn off blood and gore and swaring

Can you turn off the blood and language in MW2 for PC?

no but there isn't much blood at all it is just used as an indicator or how close to death you are also the language is only a big problem in single player mode so just play multiplayer

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noYou can turn off blood but not language.

Can you turn blood and gore off in modern warfare 2?

No there is no way to turn off blood and gore or language in this game

Can you turn off blood gore and language in mw3?

No you can not

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Will you be able to turn off the blood and language in modern warfare 3?

No the only game you can turn off the blood is in assains creed brotherhood