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Q: Can you turn off blood or language in modern warfare 2?
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Ya I Think

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Can you turn off blood and language on call of duty modern warfare 2?

no you can not

Can you turn blood and gore off in modern warfare 2?

No there is no way to turn off blood and gore or language in this game

Can you turn off blood and language on Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 PC version?


Will you be able to turn off the blood and language in modern warfare 3?

No the only game you can turn off the blood is in assains creed brotherhood

Can you turn off the blood on call of duty modern warfare 2?

Like I said to the Others you can't turn Blood and Language off that's why its rated M for Mature.

When you turn down the strong language in modern warfare 3 will it be just like language?

There is not a profanity filter (removing the "Adult Language") on Modern Warfare 3.

Can you turn of blood in modern warfare 2?

No, you can't.

Can you turn off blood in modern warfare 3?


Can you turn off language in modern warfare 2?
