I'm afraid you cannot get a Celebi in Pokemon HeartGold, unless you use a Action Replay. The only Celebi legal, I think, is the Nintendo Event that has passed. If you do have the Celebi in your GameBoy Pokemon Cartridge, then you can migrate it to Pal Park, then trade from Pearl/Diamond to HeartGold/SoulSilver.
Get the celebi event.
You cannot catch Celebi unless you are using cheat codes or waiting for Pokemon events.
No. However, you can obtain it in Pokemon Black/White. Coming soon to America, you can obtain a special Celebi in Heartgold/Soulsilver. Transfer it to you Black or White Version (coming March 6) and you'll trigger a special event. Ahem, this Celebi is going to be released through Wi-Fi Distribution. Keep an eye on Pokemon.com for new information.No, Zorua and Zoruaork are Generation V Pokemon, and as such will be available in the next games.
You cannot obtain Celebi in HeartGold without cheats if you missed the event.
to get celebi
you can't
You can only find celebi in the special event.
You need to have the Celebi event. it is over. sorry
You can only get Celebi from Nintendo Events... =( soz
you can't! you have to get the special event celebi or use AR
Okay, you make no sense. Apricorns make Pokeballs dumbo. You can't get Celebi in Heartgold.
You do not get Celebi anywhere in HeartGold. The only ways you can get a Celebi is by downloading an available Nintendo event where it is offered however there wouldn't be anymore events for HeartGold or you can trade with someone else who was able to get a Celebi at an event.
I'm afraid you cannot get a Celebi in Pokemon HeartGold, unless you use a Action Replay. The only Celebi legal, I think, is the Nintendo Event that has passed. If you do have the Celebi in your GameBoy Pokemon Cartridge, then you can migrate it to Pal Park, then trade from Pearl/Diamond to HeartGold/SoulSilver.