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No. However, you can obtain it in Pokemon Black/White. Coming soon to America, you can obtain a special Celebi in Heartgold/Soulsilver. Transfer it to you Black or White Version (coming March 6) and you'll trigger a special event. Ahem, this Celebi is going to be released through Wi-Fi Distribution. Keep an eye on for new information.
No, Zorua and Zoruaork are Generation V Pokemon, and as such will be available in the next games.

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Q: Can you catch zorua in Pokemon HeartGold?
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The only way to catch Zorua in Pokemon Black or White is to have it traded by someone else (Zorua can be bred). You may also get it as a future event Pokemon.

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you dont catch zoura. Zoura is a event pokemon

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you cannot catch it. but you can breed zoroark to get it as an egg.

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You can get it in Pokemon Black and White if you send a special Celebi from Pokemon Heartgold, Soulsilver, Pokemon Platinum, etc.

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You don't. Zorua and Zoroark are 5th generation Pokemon only obtainable in Black/White.

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In HeartGold you can catch Kyogre.