The above simply describes the Xbox 360's ability to store Xbox saves on its system, usually through its backward-compatibility feature. However, there is no officially facility to transfer save data from an original Xbox into an Xbox 360, as far as Microsoft is concerned. There may be unofficial means, but Microsoft takes a very dim stance on unofficial devices (especially from companies like Datel with a shady history of bending the rules).
It saves it to the hard drive.
The Xbox 360 is predominantly a PC compatible system. While it will port to Windows operating systems just fine, attempting to do the same using a Mac runs the risk of corruption.
you carn't
You don't, I think that's one reason the 360 uses live accounts so you can recover saves later but I'm not sure. -----------------------edit by q13e5---------------------------------------------- i believe you can buy an xbox (original) to xbox 360 memory card transfer wire like for an example "flash card to usb" old xbox 360 hard drive to internal xbox 360 slim hope this helps :-/
No, Xbox and Playstation store their saves in different ways. Not only that, but each system saves their data differently from one generation to another. You couldn't move a save from the xbox 360 to a PS3, you couldn't move the save from the PS3 to the PS4. So, I'm sorry but you can't transfer a save from your xbox 360 to your new PS4.
No I don't think you can. I'm sure that you need to buy a transfer kit. I'm not sure where you can get them from.
You cant, the only thing you can do is transfer the memory to the new xbox 360 slim with a transfer cable.
no you cant sorry
yes you'll need an xbox 360 an xbox 360 transfer cable and a mac or PC
Sadly, you cannot.
it can but you have to find out how to get data from xbox 360 to ps3
you need to transfer it from a usb to the xbox
On your Hard Drive.