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No :( Because Black and White version have completely new Pokemon, they are not known to Heartgold and Soulsilver and the games cannot read their data. However, you CAN get your old Pokemon from Heartgold/Soulsilver onto Black/White! :D You can TRANSFER only.

If you read the booklet your White version came with on page 13, it explains that you have to use 2 DS systems...- I'll just explain using steps.

What you need:

  • Two DS systems
  • Pokemon Heartgold, Soulsilver, Platinum, Pearl, or Diamond
  • Pokemon Black/White
  • DS Download Play (Every system has it)
  • PokeTransfer Lab, route 15 (Black/White version)
  1. Insert White version into one system, Heartgold into the other
  2. Obviously turn on your systems or you won't get anywhere...
  3. White version- use Poke Transfer (route 15)
  4. Heartgold version- DS Download Play
  5. Talk to someone in the PokeTransfer Lab for more info on how to do it.

There you go. I don't exactly know how to do the rest, but asking trainers in the lab will certainly help. :) Have fun! :D
its called Pokemon transfering and you need both games to be official don't matter if there different language but both need to be not on a flashcart but real games and also certain Pokemon wont go and they all cant hold items.

The three dog (shiny events) need a different way cant remember how though hope this helps :-)

I believe what you are referring to is well i don't know what it is called but in one of the buildings in hiun city is there is a guy that will let you use a machine or something that u can transfer the shiny legendary dogs or celebi. You can transfer them from the Pokemon transfer but then you cant get zoroa or zoroark. The guy willl make you enter some words i think the first words are EVERYONE HAPPY and the second ones are SIMPLE CONNECTION that is just what i think. Hope i helped

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

no for some reason you can't but you can trade pokemon from heartgold to white

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Q: Can you trade pokemon from white to HeartGold?
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Can you trade Pokemon white Pokemon with Pokemon HeartGold?

no, but use can use poketransfer from heartgold to white

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No. If you wanted to, you could trade from HeartGold to Black and White, but not the other way around.

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No, but you can trade Pokemon only in HeartGold to Black

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You dont get Arceus in HeartGold. You need to trade one from another HeartGold or SoulSilver or trade one from the Sinnoh region games. WARNIG: IF YOU HAVE AN ARCEUS ON BLACK OR WHITE YOU CAN NOT TRADE IT BACK TO THE JOHTO OR SINNOH GAMES.

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you can trade pokemon from heartgold to black but you can only transfer the pokemon in heartgold not trade it from black

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No but you can transfer from Leafgreen,Firered to HeartGold,SoulSilver then trade to Black,White!

Can you trade Pokemon to heartgold to Pokemon Black?

After beating the story and obtaining the National Pokedex. Go to Route 15 in Pokemon Black to the Pokemon Shifter Building. Connect a second DS running Heartgold. There you will be able to transfer up to 6 Pokemon from Heartgold to Black/White. Make sure the Pokemon transfering have no items and do not know HM moves(Cut, Surf, Flash, ect) You can not trade or transfer from Black/White back to Heartgold.

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yes. you can trade Pokemon from diamond, pearl, or platinum to heartgold or soulsilver.

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trade pokemon

Which is better Pokemon Black and white versions or Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver?

As far as I know, Pokemon on Pokemon Black and White have to stay on those games, as for Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, you can not only migrate Pokemon from earlier generations of games, you can also trade with Pokemon Platinum and Diamond and Pearl. Still, the Pokemon on Pokemon Black and White look cooler! :)

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you can trade Pokemon from heartgold and soulsilver to your diamond,pearl, or platinum.