Yes. You can just press the 'print screen' or 'prt sc' button and you can paste it in a software like paint.
It is a "photo" that you take while you're playing Minecraft.
There are two ways to take a screen shot in Minecraft. One of them is to press the print screen button on your keyboard, then right click and click paste on a Picture document. The easier way is to press F2, then go to your .minecraft folder and click on screenshots to view it.
The game itself takes 10-20 MB of Hard Drive space, while it can use 256-1024 MB of RAM while you are playing the game. Save files can get big, however, and if you have explored the world a LOT, it can take up to 1GB (or more!) This problem is more prominent on servers, however.
Currently, the Xbox 360 version of Minecraft is running 1.6.6 beta. This update came out before the adventure update of 1.8. It will take a while for the Xbox 360 version of Minecraft to catch up to the PC version of the game.
Kittens don't grow in minecraft
It is a "photo" that you take while you're playing minecraft.
It is a "photo" that you take while you're playing Minecraft.
Turn the knob on top of the camera next to the button to take the picture, turn it three times until the light goes from red to green and then touch the picture button to take the picture! Your welcome!
There are two ways to take a screen shot in Minecraft. One of them is to press the print screen button on your keyboard, then right click and click paste on a Picture document. The easier way is to press F2, then go to your .minecraft folder and click on screenshots to view it.
First you take a screenshot. You then go into your images under minecraft and click on the picture. Smething should on the side ask if you would like to crop it. If not, I can't help.
Nobody knows. Be patient, 1.6 can take a while.
It depends on what edition you are playing on, for minecraft classic on pc, open your inventory and there will be a sword, but if you are playing the xbox demo on survival you must create on, but if using creative, you can take one by pressing the X button on your controller. Hope this helps.
it is illegal if you do not have the parents consent
I have seen the picture of her in an egg costume sitting on a wall. I have not seen an ukulele in any of the pictures.
In Virginia they do.
it should not be very long as long as you are connected to the wifi. but if at a mcdonloads or a highly popular wifi it will take a while