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I did last year and had no problems.

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Q: Can you take a Nintendo on a aroplane?
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How fast does an aroplane fly?

just read the instruction

Who invented aroplane?

Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright

What is Normal speed of Aroplane?

250 per hr kilomiter

How did dr.homy jehangir bhabha died?

He died in a aroplane crash in january

Which aroplane is the biggest in this world?

The Airbus A 380-800 is the biggest aircraft in the world.

How do you take screenshot on a Nintendo?

You can not on the Nintendo DS or DS Lite.

How do you take pictures with the Nintendo DSi?

When you are in the Nintendo DSi Menu, Press either L or R to take a picture or Go into Nintendo DSi Camera and tap the button on the touch screen that shows Take Picture.

What kind of romote paper Mario take?

Paper mario does not take a "remote" it uses a controller from the Gamecube console by Nintendo, because it is a Gamecube/Nintendo 64 game. If you are playing it on a Nintendo 64 console, then it takes a Nintendo 64 controller.

Can you take vidieo's on the Nintendo DSi?

Sadly, no you can not take videos.

How do you go without playing video games?

You can probably get out of the house or play board games and also you can take or your nintendo DSI or nintendo 3DS or nintendo

Can you delete your club Nintendo account?

A person can delete their Club Nintendo account by notifying Nintendo. If the Club Nintendo account does not have a regular payment plan, non-use should take care of the cancellation.