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Under normal circumstances, a Normal Summon will be in face-up attack mode, and a Set will be in face-down defence mode.

Some cards can change this, such as Light of Intervention, which prevents monsters from being set, but allows them to be Normal Summoned in face-up defence mode.

Special summons are different - the default is face-up attack or face-up defence position. Again though sometimes individual card effects can 'special set' the card, or restrict it to a specific mode.

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Q: Can you summon a monster in face up defense mode?
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Can you summon a monster face down atk mode?

No. A Normal Summon is face-up ATK mode, a Set is face-down Defense Mode, and a special summons can vary from face-up attack, face-up defense or face-down defense. No card can summon in face-down ATK mode, however the card Darkness Approaches can flip an ATK mode monster face-down without changing the battle position.

Can you Synchro Summon in defense mode?

A Synchro Summon is a special summon, so the summoned monster can be in attack or defence mode, just must be face up.

Can you summon a monster in face-up defense position?

A Normal Summon is face-up attack mode, a regular Set is face-down defence mode. You cannot Normal Summon or Flip Summon into face-up defence position unless an effect like Light of Intervention lets/makes you. Unless specified though, a Special Summon can be face-up attack or face-up defence position. However you can't special summon face-down unless an effect lets/makes you.

In Yu-Gi-Oh can you turn a card from defense to attack position or attack to defense position?

Yes. Once per turn, a monster may switch from face-up attack mode to face-up defence mode, or vice-versa, as long as the monster was not summoned that turn, and had not declared an attack. If the monster is face-down, then turning it face up into attack mode is a Flip Summon, which can't be done on the turn the monster was Set from hand.

Can you summon a face down monster in defence mode in phase 2?

Yes, technically that's a Set though, not a Summon.

Can you change your monster's position into face-down defense?

The monster is flipped into face-up defense position and any battle damage that occurs is calculated. Afterwards the monster that was attacked remains on the field and is not sent to the Graveyard.Examples of monsters that cannot be destroyed in battle are Spirit Reaper and Marshmallon.If a monster attacks with an effect that enables it to deal damage equal to the difference in its ATK and the defending monster's DEF (like Twin-Sword Marauder or a monster equipped with Big Bang Shot), the damage is calculated but the monster is still not destroyed in battle.

Does crystal promise allow you to put the Crystal beast you picked in defense mode?

Yes, you may summon it in face up attack or face up defence mode by default if it doesn't mention otherwise.

Can you use soul exchange to synchro summon?

No, you do not 'tribute' the Synchro Material for a Synchro Summon. They are sent to the graveyard, not tributed. You can tribute an opponents synchro monster for "Assault Mode Activate!" to summon the assault mode monster from your deck.

Can you summon a card in attack mode then switch to face down defense mode?

Generally no, a card cannot be manually switched to face-down Defense Position after it is Summoned on the field in face-up Attack Position. There are some cards that allow you to switch it into face-down Defense Position as an EFFECT. For example: Golem Sentry.Golem SentryEARTH/Rock/Lv 4/EffectATK: 800DEF: 1800You can flip this card into face-down Defense Position once per turn. When this card is Flip Summoned successfully, return 1 monster on your opponent''s side of the field to the owner''s hand.With cards such as Golem Sentry, you can Normal Summon it and activate its effect, flipping it face-down in Defense Position, in the same turn.

Can you attack with a monster card on the first turn in Yu-Gi-Oh TCG?

No, you can never place a monster like that. A summon is face-up attack mode, a Set is face-down defence mode. When Light of Intervention is active, you can summon is face-up defence mode too. However you can never Set in attack position - in the entire game, there is only one way to get a monster in face-down defence position, and that's Darkness Approaches. There's no other way, and definitely not from hand as Set or Summon.

Can you special summon cyber dragon in defense mode?

Unless stated otherwise on the card, a special summon is in face-up attack or face-up defence mode. Cyber Dragon doesn't specify a specific position, so can be placed in either of the two default positions above. Call of the Haunted is one card that is specific, the monster is summons can only go in face-up attack mode. The Shallow Grave is another specific one, this one Special Sets, rather than put the monsters in the default face-up positions.

Does your opponent have to attack a monster you summon with A Hero Emerges?

No, not at all. When the defending player summons a monster after an attack has been declared, a 'replay' occurs. The attacking monster has to choose whether to continue its attack or discontinue it altogether and forfeit its attack that turn. If it continues the attack, it can be against a different target. If the monster was making a direct attack, and a stronger monster was summoned, then the attacker will most likely discontinue his attack. He can't continue as a direct attack, but is not forced to attack the newly summoned monster either.