Yes, but only if it is a Katsuma. If you overfeed a Katsuma, it won't look fat, but it will start choking and become tired the next time you log on to the account.
The largest monster on Moshi Monsters is the Furi, so if you want a fat monster, adopt a Furi.
yes while making your girltheres a body there is a skinny 1 and a fat 1 also if you type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true and shift click on the sim you can make them really thin or really fat - just click make thin or make fat
Make your your sim eat lots of snacks and deserts, even when they're not hungry. Also, don't let them do physical activity (exercising, yoga, sports), make them sit all day on the couch and watch TV all day. P.S. Make them get fat asses! Feed your sim loads of junk food when they are not hungry works, then once they have finished eating let them stand still for a while and they should get fatter!
no they keep saying it is coming back but it never does
just feed them constantly
You can't make your moshi monster fat but if you make your monster eat a lot you will make it sick!
A person can get their Moshi Monster fat by feeding a monster a lot of food. This will also increase its happiness.
The largest monster on Moshi Monsters is the Furi, so if you want a fat monster, adopt a Furi.
Cookie monster is fat and blue and also there is a kid named bob at school and he is are fat cookie monster!
If the fat pirate guy goes to some robot place, when he comes back, they'll be two radios - pink and blue. (P.S. You have to be a member)
water spider and turantula
Nothing "big" will happen- it's just that your monster will have a lot of health which is a good thing i guess. plus it stays a bit fat and funny for a few minutes if it's something like slop
A fat monster
Warming it will soften it (but it will still be saturated.)
because cookie monster got too fat.
Low Fat Ritz crackers are still on the shelves of my local grocery, so I guess they do.
You can, but you are still young, your body is still trying to make you grow taller so losing body fat will be harder.