yes just trade to any other pokemon game trade back press x 10 times then catch a pokemon with same cry. does not work with pkmn black black2 or pkmn white white2
You can use soft reset to keep trying until the Pokemon is a shiny. pressing L+R+Sel+Start will reset the DS. There is a 1 in 8192 chance that a wild Pokemon will be shiny.For shiny legendary Pokemon or similar, you can save just before you start the battle. You can soft reset until you get a shiny legendary. (which can literally take thousands of tries)For shiny starter Pokemon, if you save just before you enter the room where you pick your first Pokemon, you can see their picture (if they are shiny the picture will look different). This is a 3 in 8192 chance of one of them being shiny (still very low)
If your legendary Pokemon run away in Shiny Gold, there is no way of retrieving them again.
You can't catch shiny legendary Pokemon without cheats... sorry
If you saved before encountering a Legendary, you can soft reset to encounter it again until you find the right one you want, but saving after catching or fainting a Legendary, soft resetting can't bring the Legendary back. It won't mess up the soft reset, but it can ruin the chances of finding a shiny Legendary if you already saved after encountering it.
no, there is no way to make legendarys shiny or any Pokemon shiny but there is a way to clone them in battle tower.
You can use soft reset to keep trying until the Pokemon is a shiny. pressing L+R+Sel+Start will reset the DS. There is a 1 in 8192 chance that a wild Pokemon will be shiny.For shiny legendary Pokemon or similar, you can save just before you start the battle. You can soft reset until you get a shiny legendary. (which can literally take thousands of tries)For shiny starter Pokemon, if you save just before you enter the room where you pick your first Pokemon, you can see their picture (if they are shiny the picture will look different). This is a 3 in 8192 chance of one of them being shiny (still very low)
If your legendary Pokemon run away in Shiny Gold, there is no way of retrieving them again.
You can't catch shiny legendary Pokemon without cheats... sorry
If you saved before encountering a Legendary, you can soft reset to encounter it again until you find the right one you want, but saving after catching or fainting a Legendary, soft resetting can't bring the Legendary back. It won't mess up the soft reset, but it can ruin the chances of finding a shiny Legendary if you already saved after encountering it.
Everytime you encounter a Pokemon (legendary and non legendary Pokemon) you have a 1 in 8192 chance of it being shiny. SO save your game before you fight the legendary and if it isn' shiny restart it. It took me days to find 1 shiny legendary but it was well worth it
legendary Pokemon cant breed
legendary shiny magicarp
no, there is no way to make legendarys shiny or any Pokemon shiny but there is a way to clone them in battle tower.
you beat the elite four first and rayquaza, groudon and kyogre will turn shiny No that is wrong you cant just beat the elite four an then the legendary Pokemon will turn shiny you either have to use a cheat system like action replay or gameshark or as soon as you get to the legendaries save your game an if the Pokemon is not shiny reset you game repeat this until it is shiny
The 11 Shiny Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon : Call of Legends series are: -dialga -palkia -suicune -raikou -entei -rayquaza -deoxys -lugia -ho-oh -kyogre -groundon