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If it is 'bricked', some people may buy it if they have the tools to repair the firmware. If the PSP is physically damaged, then other people may be interested if they are able to repair it. However in either case, don't expect them to pay much for it.

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Q: Can you sell a broken PSP?
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How much can you sell your broken psp 3000 for?

10-20 bucks,maybe less,or they'll just recycle it.

Why doesn't the PSP turn on?

There are few reasons like: A: Not charged battery B: Broken "on" button in PSP C: PSP is broken D: PSP software is damaged.

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Do pawn shops buy broken PSPs?

While it depends on the shop owners, normally pawn shops don't buy items they can't sell. Because no one wants a broken PSP, a pawn shop is unlikely to purchase one from a seller.

How do you sell a PSP?

You sell it on craigslist or ebay

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You can`t sell your cars on Gran Turismo PSP.

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You can purchase a PSP screen online and then replace it.

I can't get my PSP go to turn on?

I think you haven't charged your Psp or its maybe broken

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Where can you trade a broken psp for a new one if the psp screen is cracked?

I traded mine at Gamestop

Do they sell the white psp in the us?


Should you sell your psp?

if you want to