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you can't remove any accounts once you have made a family account. I am sry

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Q: Can you remove a wizard101 account from a line of family accounts?
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You can't, once you make it it's stuck there forever. You can ignore it, or give it away.

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can i remove a email address from wizard101

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I am sorry to say you cant i learned that the hard way

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Well to Delete it i don't know how but i do know how to create a new user first go to control panel then User Accounts And Family safety and then User Accounts Then Manage Another Account then Create New Account And There!

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To remove a Google™ account 1 From your Home screen, tap Application . 2 Tap Settings > Google. 3 Tap the Google™ account that you want to remove from the accounts list. 4 Press 3rd button next to to home on our mobile set , then tap Remove account. 5 Tap Remove account again to confirm.

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The account you used to delete the administrator acount must have admin rights. Use that account to create an account with administrator rights called Administrator. control panel -> user accounts -> add or remove accounts -> create new account

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The Kyocera Echo can be used for Gmail, Facebook or Exchange Activesync and other services. To add a Gmail account to a Kyocera Echo, open the Settings screen and select Accounts and Sync option. Tap on Add Account, and select the type of account to add. Follow the instructions to configure the selected account and what kind of data that is going to be synced to the device. Once completed it is added to the list in Accounts and Sync and will the account will be synced to the device. To remove an account, select Remove Account on the Accounts & Sync screen and confirm the account that is going to be removed.

Is it illegal to remove your spouse from joint checking account?

No. it is not mandatory to have a joint account with your spouse. If you feel, you no longer wish to have your spouse in your joint account, you can let them know and then contact the bank to remove their name from the accounts joint holders list.

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This depends on where you live. In Canada, if you are the primary on the account you can go into your branch and have the other person removed. In the US however, some banks will not remove names from accounts and you will be required to close the account and open a new account under your name.

How do you remove an email address from MS-Outlook?

Follow the given path to remove or delete email account from MS-Outlook.For Outlook 2003:Tools >> Email Accounts (Next) >> Choose the account >> RemoveFor Outlook 2007:Tools >> Account Settings >> Email (choose the account) >> Remove (click)For Outlook 2010 & 2013:File >> Account Settings >> Account Settings >> Email(choose the account) >> Remove (click)Note: User can also remove or delete the email account of Microsof Outlook by "Mail" option in control panel.

How do you add a user on the DELL compiter?

If you would like to make a guest/administer account, go onto "Control Panel" on the Start Menu. Under "User Accounts and Family Safety" there should be "Add or Remove user accounts" button. Click on this, and under the list of account(s) on the computer/laptop, there is "Create a new user account". Enter all the necessary information needed and you're done.

How do you remove facebook from WikiAnswers?

Click on my settings under the My pages on the left side.Under the option "Connect your account",there will be written "You have connected Twitter to your account. Click here to disconnect accounts" Note that "Click here to disconnect accounts" will be written in blue,so just click on it and your account will be disconnected.