Not on your first try. You have to get the Friend Area and then battle him until he joins your team.
first,you have to meet a spinda who wanted to meet the mirage pokemon.he passes that mission on to have to beat entei,raikou,and suicune in the three fields(you can't recruit them until you've met the mirage pokemon).entei will turn the clear wing spinda gave you into a red wing,raikou turns it into sunset wing,and suicune turns it into the rainbow wing,giving you access to mt faraway.castform should be somewhere in the 26-29 floors.castform will be lv 50 and have a recruit rate of 7.4.
Kyogre is pretty easy to recruit, because he might join your team on your first try, but if not, you can always try again. Make sure you have a Friendbow and/or a high team rank, like Gold or Diamond rank.
You can recruit Abra by first finding it in the Wish Cave. You must be a level 100 and the recruit rate is 10.4 percent.
Yes, Entei does flee. After your first move, Entei will flee the scene. However, if your Pokemon is at a higher level than Entei (level 41 or higher) and has a move or ability to prevent wild Pokemon from escaping (for example, a level 42 Golbat that knows Mean Look), Entei cannot escape until the higher leveled Pokemon faints or is switched out.
Try to beat all of the 99 floors, recruit the regie's, or try to recruit mew. Good luck! note:the regis along with mew have about a 5% chance of recruitment so you may have to try a multiple number of times again good luck!
You need 2 be a gold or higher rank You Happy
You need to receive a Clear Wing from Spinda. With it, you can visit Entei, Raikou, Suicune and Ho-Oh. You can only recruit Entei on the second visit or more. To improve recruitment rate, you need a high rank, high level Pokemon and a Friend Bow. This method works with Suicune and Raikou.
Secret Slab, or Enigma Part.
To get Entei you must complete the game (beat Rayquaza) then go to solar cave, get surf from floor 20, you must have a water or flying type to get over the water. Once you have it the next day go to Pokemon square and a spinda should come and tell you about a mirage Pokemon, you will then gain access to Fiery Field. Fiery Field is a 30 floor dungeon that has Entei as the boss, if you clear the dungeon and buy the friend area Sacred Field you can go back to Fiery Field to try and recruit Entei.
first,you have to meet a spinda who wanted to meet the mirage pokemon.he passes that mission on to have to beat entei,raikou,and suicune in the three fields(you can't recruit them until you've met the mirage pokemon).entei will turn the clear wing spinda gave you into a red wing,raikou turns it into sunset wing,and suicune turns it into the rainbow wing,giving you access to mt faraway.castform should be somewhere in the 26-29 floors.castform will be lv 50 and have a recruit rate of 7.4.
get hm surf from solar cave 20f and a spinda will appear while you go through the Pokemon will fall down and you will take it to your home to take care of it(for only one day).before it leaves it will give you a clear wing take the clear wing to xatu and you will gain acces to the fiery field.there will be entei(not recruitable on first try) after you beat it you gain acces to the lighting field where raikou is(not recruitable on first try).after you beat raikou you will gain acces to the northwind field where suicune is(not recruitable on first try(these three dungs:fiery,lighting and northnwind field have 30 floors each).after you beat the three of them you will gain acces to Mt.faraway where ho-oh is (not recruitable on first try)(40floors).beat ho-oh and i think you must recruit it to be able to recruit entei suicune and raikou.(you must also have bought sacred field from wiglituf near the bank)(i think it is able for you to buy after you beat the three dogs)(entei,raikou,suicune)
try to answer thoughtful
yes if your lucky. mew joind my team on my first try ;P
Kyogre is pretty easy to recruit, because he might join your team on your first try, but if not, you can always try again. Make sure you have a Friendbow and/or a high team rank, like Gold or Diamond rank.
There is not a set amount of times you need to defeat any Pokémon to recruit it. There is, however, a likelihood for it to join. It is unlikely for Entai, Raikou, and Suicune to join. I recommend wearing a Friend Bow. However, you cannot recruit them on the first encounter.
you have to beat entei,raikou and suicune then you beat ho-oh go and buy the friend area sacred field go back face entei and raikou once you have those two you can now go get suicune
Articuno - Frosty Forest after defeating Rayquaza Zapdos - Mt Thunder after defeating Rayquaza Moltres - Mt Blaze after defeating Rayquaza Mewtwo - Western Cave 99F, will recruit after 2nd defeat Mew - Buried Relic - Appears while holding Music Box on 36-99F Raikou - Lightning Field 30F, Can't recruit 1st try Entei - Firey Field 30F, Can't recruit 1st try Suicune - Northwind Field 30F, Can't recruit 1st try Lugia - Silver Trench 99F, CAN recruit 1st try Ho-oh - Mt. Faraway 40F, Can't recruit 1st try Celebi - Purity Forest 99F, You don't have to fight, it just asks Regirock - Buried Relic 15F, need Rock part or Music Box Regice - Buried Relic 25F, need Ice part or Music Box Registeel - Buried Relic 35F, need Steel part or Music Box Latias - Asks to recruit after you rescue her from Pitfall Valley Latios - Asks to recruit after you rescue Latias from Pitfall Valley Kyogre - Stormy Sea 40F, CAN be recruited first try Groudon - Magma Cavern 3P after defeating Rayquaza (Really rare to recruit) Rayquaza - Sky Tower Summit 9F, need Fly, (Really rare to recruit) Jirachi - Wish Cave 99F, If you have the Wish Stone, it will give you a wish, and if you don't make one, it will ask to join your team Deoxys - Meteor Cave 20F, changes forme randomly every floor Make sure you have their friend areas first!!!! Hope this helps