it is not released forever as long as you know you can replace it
Recover has 20 PP
The amount of PP Recover has is 20, but can be increased by 1 for every "PP UP" you find :)
there is none
No, because when u Revive a Pokemon it Only raises its HP up nothing else.
You may not recover a deleted file.
You can't you would need to catch a new one.
Recover has 20 PP
there isn't a Pokemon centre in tppc your Pokemon recover after a battle
If a Pokemon knows that move use it and in will heal itself
I know for sure that Ho-oh knows recover. I found him in the last Elite four person.
well the only person i know with recover is latias well the only person i know with recover is latias
you CANT
Take it to the museum in Nacrene City
no u cant
The amount of PP Recover has is 20, but can be increased by 1 for every "PP UP" you find :)