Thibk bout it...can the mailman reach it......if so then...ummm...YES!
You go to your mailbox. There is always a mailbox in a city or by your house.
it should be in the front of the house next to the trashcan.
the mail box is always in front of a house or a lot when you buy one.
sangem town there shouldbe a mailbox next to his house it will sya lucas' house, go inside and there will be a little girl, that his sister!
no they drop it off at your house.
Put it back in the mailbox and send it.
Yea Miley Cyrus has a mailbox. Who in the world don't have mailbox?
That depends on where you put it. A mailbox could be anywhere.
you do
Miss Emily refused to have a mailbox installed on her house. She stated that she had no mail to receive and did not need a mailbox.
Yes, anything under 13 ounces can be put in the mailbox
The main qualification you need to have a residential mailbox is a residence. You can't get a mailbox unless you have a house or apartment, with an address so that you can get mail.
You go to your mailbox. There is always a mailbox in a city or by your house.
Lucasas's house is the house with the mailbox in sandgem town.
no it is illegal t open someone else's mailbox
US postal regulations state nothing but US mail can be put into a mailbox