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You go to your mailbox. There is always a mailbox in a city or by your house.

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Q: How do you save your game on the dog island Nintendo Wii?
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What is a Super Mario game save on the wii?

Saving Super Mario Bros to your Nintendo Wii's Memory

Can a Nintendo 64 controller be used on wii?

No... a N64 is a whole different game setup. The games are "Cartridges." Nintendo Gamecube games work on the Nintendo Wii, and Nintendo Gameboy games work on the Nintendo DS. ~Hope that helps :)

Is the game De Blob on psp?

no, but it will be available for the Nintendo wii. no, but it will be available for the Nintendo wii. no, but it will be available for the Nintendo wii.

How do you save Super Mario Brothers to your Nintendo Wii's Memory?

With Wii's they automatically save your progress.

What is the best game Xbox360 or Nintendo Wii?

i think Nintendo wii is the best

What is Nintendo Wii use for?

The Nintendo Wii's use is for entertainment. It is a game console.

Who invented the Wii Nintendo game system?

The Nintendo Wii was invented in Japan.

Where can you buy games for Nintendo Wii?

you could buy a Nintendo wii game at gamestop.

When did the Nintendo Wii came out?

the Nintendo wii came out November 27th 2006 along with wii sports the game

When was the first Nintendo Wii game launched?

The first Nintendo Wii game was launched the same year the console was launched, which was 2006. Since then, there have been many games released for the Nintendo Wii.

Can Littlebigplanet be on the Nintendo Wii?

No it is a Playstation Exclusive and no Nintendo Wii game versions exist or will be released

What is Nintendo Wii for?

it is a game console