You can convert GBA Files to NDS Files and then drag-and-drop them onto your R4 card. If you would like the software then please go to this website:
Also, you can just put a GBA game into your DS, press start, and hit the second button. I'm not sure if this works on all R4s, but It works on R4 for NDS lite.
OK! So, the above answer was retarded because whoever wrote that didn't exactly do his homework and so, didn't know what the question actually meant. The guy who asked the question doesn't want to know if the cartridge gba games work on Nintendo ds. He wants to know if gba games that can be downloaded work on the r4 or not. Well, for the original r4, the gba games work but you need to open them with YSmenu. At least, YSmenu is needed for me to start the gba roms. Dunno about r4 clones.
NO! That guy above is out of his mind! YOU CANNOT PLAY GBA GAMES ON THE R4DS, UNLESS you get the e-z flash ordered. The r4 CAN play gbc (GameBoy Color) games by downloading a software called lameboy. wow buncha idiots cant believe it u can play gba games have no frikin clue what ur talkin bout with gbc games and the guy who said press the second button is a nim tard wow. The middle guy is right 2/3 people wrong wow
R4 is a ds emulator. You can play roms of ds games, and many more like genesis. the best place to get roms is
yeah but i think u have to get a gba r4 too im not sure
An R4 is basically a mod chip for the Nintendo DS console. You can download games from the internet and put them on your R4 card and play the games on your Nintendo DS.
Because the coding of a GBA game is so different from a DS game, there is no way to do it without a slot-2 device like EZFlash 3in1 or an expensive Supercard DSTwo that has the extra memory built into emulate GBA.
You cannot get a blank DS cartridge. There are manafactured for Nintendo by a company named Macronix. They use Mask ROMs, which means the game is programmed into the cartridge during the manafacturing of the cartridge, so it can't be overwritten. They are numerous flash carts for the GBA and DS that can often hold a memory card. ROM files are put onto the memory card and can be played back on the DS. Popular ones are R4 and Acekard.
R4 is a ds emulator. You can play roms of ds games, and many more like genesis. the best place to get roms is
To get ds hombrew you need a flash cart such as R4, M3, CycloDS, or (if you also want to use gba roms) Neoflash. To get Homebrews just use a searh engine such as
no. but maybe you can play GBA games on the 3DS with a R4 or a supercard.
yeah but i think u have to get a gba r4 too im not sure
What!? A DS R4??? Well i presume you meen 'how do you make the DS have an auto boot R4?' (not possible!) Just buy an R4, theres no way you can have a DS what runs roms without an R4 (or any other flash cards) You can buy them here: (for both DS and DSi)
The R4DS is a DS flash cart that can run DS Roms and Homebrew programs. Downloading DS games/roms you don't own is illegal.
No, you cannot get a GBA emulator on the r4. Nor can you on any flash card. However google eZFlash, it's pretty much a flash card for the gba slot on the ds.
R4DS is a card which allows you to put on ROMs and play them on the R4 card.
If you use roms of games being sold, yes. If for homemade games and such, no.
Well once you buy the r4 ds you will find that in the box there is the r4 card, a usb stick and a micro sd chip whip goes in the top of the r4card where the space is. you put the micro sd chip in the r4 and put it in your ds. turn it on once it is on and it has loaded there will be three options game multimedia and slot 2. hope this helps. You need a MicroSD card to load the kernel and game Roms. Just download the kernel and game files to the Root directory of TF card. The put the TF card to r4 ds card, and insert r4 ds card to NDS. you can start to play games.
You can but you need a flash cart for ds you need r4 for ds you need r4i for dsi. they are gray in the legality area, they are nor legal nor illegal, and can play ds games, (roms) and music, movies and gba games. you should research r4 before you buy it though.
You either hack it.. you can use a R4 and download ROMS. or you connect your dsi to the internet and buy them in the dsi shop... for a normal ds well you can buy an R4 online... hope this helps!!