Yes it is actually the fastest way to get flint from gravel.
There is a small chance to actually get flint from gravel ether way.
You mine gravel, sometimes flint is dropped when you break a block of gravel.
Flint is sometimes dropped when you mine gravel.
Other than using gravel for building, gravel is useful to farm for flint. When you mine gravel with a shovel, there is a small chance that instead of dropping a gravel block, it will drop flint. Flint can be used in crafting recipes such as flint and steel as well as arrows
With a crafting table you put iron in the middle and flint on the bottom right corner To get flint you dig gravel and there is a 10% chance of getting it To get iron you need to mine it
There is no recipe for flint, it is just something you get when breaking and rebreaking gravel. Gold can be crafted with 9 gold nuggets in a 3x3 crafting area or can be mined at levels 0-30 and smelted in a furnace to receive gold ingots.
When you destroy gravel, there will be a 10% chance of it dropping flint.
You mine gravel, sometimes flint is dropped when you break a block of gravel.
Flint is sometimes dropped when you mine gravel.
Other than using gravel for building, gravel is useful to farm for flint. When you mine gravel with a shovel, there is a small chance that instead of dropping a gravel block, it will drop flint. Flint can be used in crafting recipes such as flint and steel as well as arrows
break gravel with your fist or a shovel over and over. Most of the time it will keep dropping gravel, but if you do it enough, it will randomly turn into flint. Be paitent!
Recently in the 0.3.3 Alpha, Mojang added the ability to receive Flint from breaking Gravel. It is also possible to make Flint and Steel.
You can't currently get flint in Minecraft PE.
I'm not sure how to get steel in Minecraft PE but to get flint, you need to use a shovel on gravel. Please note that it won't work every single time you use it on gravel.
With a crafting table you put iron in the middle and flint on the bottom right corner To get flint you dig gravel and there is a 10% chance of getting it To get iron you need to mine it
Obtain flint from destroying gravel, and find iron by mining it out underground, Then in your inventory make this shape with the flint and iron: Where F=Flint Where S=Iron -S F-
You need flint from gravel, sticks from wood, and feathers from chicken. And obviously a crafting table
for one there is no such thing as lint, if you are talking about flint you get it from mining gravel. you get the steel from smelting iron. you craft them in the crafting table to make flint and steel