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No, you can only get the classic zombie maps if you have harden or prestige editions of the game and unless the release a map pack with the originals (which they probably will) you can't get them at all

Rezurrection DLC will include the 4 WAW maps Nacht der Untoten, Verrückt, Shi No Numa, & Der Riese along with 5 new maps including zombie map Moon

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Q: Can you play the classic zombie maps on black ops regular eddition?
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Can you get banned for using a USB for the classic zombie maps on black ops?

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Can you be a zombie on black ops?

No you can not be a Zombie.

What do you get if you pre order black ops hardened?

If you order black ops hardened you get a medal not sure what it says and the classic zombie maps off CoD 5 WaW and that's it i think

How do you get classic zombies on black ops ps3 free?

You don't they are sold and you have to purchase the 4 DLCs for Black Ops so that you can download them

How much will new black ops map pack be?

1200 Microsoft points, and will include 5 regular maps and one zombie map

How do you get the classic zombie maps on CoD Black Ops?

You must buy the Hardened or Prestige Editions of Black Ops. Rezurrection DLC will include the 4 WAW maps Nacht der Untoten, Verrückt, Shi No Numa, & Der Riese along with 5 new maps including zombie map Moon

Does the Black Ops II Hardened Edition come with the classic zombies maps?

No they have different perks for Black Ops II. None of the original maps will work in the new game and they are not making any of the 11 Black Ops Zombie Maps into versions for Black Ops II

Where do you use black ops prestige eddition code?

go on the consoles main menu and select redeem code it explains the rest from that point on

Is zombie Hitler in black ops zombie mode in kinder de toten?


What events do you need to do and what order to get the Hitler zombie in black ops?

There is no Hitler zombie.

How many zombie maps are there in black-ops for Wii?

The Nintendo Wii can only get 3 of the 9 possible zombie maps for Black Ops. see related zombie mode for identification and information on all of the 9 zombie maps