You can't buy them at that age. Whether you play them or not is up to your parent or guardian.
You should be a teen to play the sims 3.
Playstation can be used by all age levels, it just depends what game you are playing. Check the rating before you play it. Games can range from rated E for everyone to M for mature.
Well it depends on age say you 14 and you play games for 18+ that's not really good for you. But if you play safe games like Dragonfable and mechquest it would be ok if you where under age by a couple of years. Im not trying to encourage you to play those games but be at least age 10 or over to play them
The lowest age rating on a Halo game is "T" for "Teen" (13+), which is the rating for Halo Wars. It was released in March 2009, exclusively for the Xbox 360 console. All of the other Halo games are rated "M" for "Mature" (17+).
At the age of 10 or 13, teen age.
id say ages 9-13:)
at the age of 10 or 13 at teen age
World of Warcraft is rated teen, so it is recommend for ages 13 and older.
it is rated t for teen so yea, but who cares if your under that age? have someone buy it for you
Teen Age Riot - 2009 is rated/received certificates of: Spain:13
The Sims 3 is rated 'T for Teen' in America, and 12+ in the United Kingdom. There is also an element of your parents' discression when playing computer games: it depends whether they regard it suitable for their children.
Over 12.
Teen-Age Crime Wave - 1955 is rated/received certificates of: Sweden:(Banned) USA:Approved
Rated T for teen
If you are an of the age to play the game then yes you can.