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Q: Can you play sims 3 PC on your DVD player?
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How do you play The Sims Life Stories without a PC-DVD player?

If the game has been released on a PC CD (will be more than one CD included in the packaging), then you will be able to use it to play The Sims Life Stories. Otherwise, you will need to upgrade to a DVD player for your PC. The regular old DVD players for PCs are fairly cheap these days if you get one without any whips and bangs. Just get something simple if you must.

Can you play PC games on an external DVD player?

No You Can Not.

Can a car DVD player play mp3 file?

Yes a car DVD player can play MP3 file. already we have Car PC now, everything that a PC can do, it also can.

How do you play 2 player on sims 2 PC?

You can't play two player on any of the PC I don't think, but for the game cube Sims, you can play two player by having the second controller press x or y

What sims 2 for PC games install sims 2 seasons for PC?

Well, it depends. You can either use The Sims 2 PC DVD thingy or The Sims 2 Deluxe Addition. I use The Sims 2 PC DVD one and it worked! So, happy gaming!

Can you play a DVD on your PC?

Most modern PC's will play DVD movies. However, you need to make sure your PC has a DVD drive. Some older or very low-end PC's have only a CD player, which will not play DVD's. Also, some laptop and notebook PC's save size and weight by omitting to have a built-in DVD drive. In this case you can plug an external DVD drive into a USB port.

Why does your DVD play without skips on your PC and skips on the DVD player?

Different sensitivities. Each player will read the disc differently.

Can I play Ps2 games as DVD's?

No you can not. You need a Playstation 2 to play PS2 game Discs not a DVD player or a PC with a DVD drive and no emulator and PS2 bios

Do you need a DVD player to play PC games? don't need a DVD player,but you do need a computer or special game box. Lissa15

You made a movie but it wont play on your DVD player just PC?

That's because you have burned the file to a CD and not a DVD.

How can you play your DVD tape on your PC?

play DVD on CDROM

How do you downlaod a sims 2 to a PC?

You either but the disc or download from the net. But if you want to play all expension pack etc. Pets, Nightlife or Univercity, then you will Sims 2, Sims 2 special DVD edition or the Sims 2 holiday Edition to play =D